Idea financing: For the creation of new wealth

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA   Civilization exists because of man’s creativity and ability to bring his ideas to life. From all the idea categories, none impacts the economy as much as business ideas... Read more »

Premier-led green legacy revolutionizing public attitude

 BY ADDISALEM MUALT It is to be recalled that, following Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s green legacy initiative, Ethiopians residing in several parts of the country managed to plant billions of trees in... Read more »

Lessons to be drawn from TPLF’s collapse

 BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) solely dominated the economic and political life of Ethiopia for nearly three decades. It assumed power as an outcome the 17-year armed struggle... Read more »

Robust governance for fair resources development

BY GETACHEW MINAS Many African countries, including Ethiopia, are endowed with rich but “finite natural resources” that can be extracted, but exhausted, to promote economic development. The discovery of natural resource reserves... Read more »

International community has to turn a deaf ear to TPLF’s rampage of lies

BY SOLOMON DIBABA It seems that the international community is having it hard to swallow the gillitering truth about the current situation in Ethiopia. A consortuim of well placed groups and personalties... Read more »

Breaking African glass ceiling

Expressed in its Agenda 2063 some more than four decades from now Africa wants to be a place where its people fully enjoy all their human rights by eliminating all forms of... Read more »

A sip of courtesy

Unlike what had been practiced in the past along the River Nile, this time the tone of the deal has changed into pursuit of promoting “transboundary cooperation and regional integration through the... Read more »

Unveiling Egypt’s imprudent intimidation

Any military threats echoed from Cairo do not necessarily intend to reach Ethiopia. At least this time Egypt has unfolding problem in its neighboring Libya. It is lined up with Saudi Arabia... Read more »

The question of good faith

Time to win recalcitrant behavior on GERD negotiations Against all odds Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt have begun another round of negotiations this time via video-conference specifically on the “guidelines and rules for... Read more »

Conducting negotiations on GERD in good faith for the benefit of the peoples in the region

Almost four years have elapsed since the signing of the Tripartite Agreement between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt on the construction of GERD. In the meantime, despite the maneuvers and diplomatic machinations that... Read more »