Inflation and food security in Ethiopia

BY JOSEPH SOBOKA In Ethiopia and anywhere on the face of the earth, food is the most notable necessity for living. Its role in sustaining life is beyond all measures; without it,... Read more »

Toward a peaceful order in the Horn of Africa

BY ABIY AHMED  The Ethiopian government’s victory over the Tigray People’s Liberation Front came at a high cost, and the humanitarian situation in northern Tigray remains grave. But only an Ethiopia at... Read more »

Foreign Policy shift by the new US administration and its impact on Ethiopia

BY SOLOMON DIBABA As I have indicated in my pervious contribution, despite the baseless remarks that the election in the US is rigged the four years legacy of Trump’s thumped administration ended... Read more »

Timket: A world heritage for peace and fraternity

BY SOLOMON DIBABA  Have you ever visited Ethiopia to watch the colorful celebrations of Timket at Jan Meda? If not, I assure you that you have missed a major religious and cultural... Read more »

How Egyptians twist the term ‘Equity in Sharing of Distribution of the Nile’

 BY GEZAHEGNE GEBREMESKEL  Egyptian hydro-politicians are very cunning. The Amharic-Jewish word ‘nekash’ which means that bites typically attributed to a viper best characterizes Egyptian politicians. Ethiopia’s instability is externally instigated by Egyptians.... Read more »

Keep the nation in whole

BY SULTAN ABA-WARRI  After winning the Tigray war, PM Abiy Ahmed has proved that he is not only a great politician but also a military strategist. What matters is how PM Abiy... Read more »

Hasty climbers have sudden falls

BY ADDISALEM MULAT Everything changes. Nothing lasts forever in life. Everything is not as easy as falling off a log, and low-hanging fruit. A narrow-minded attitude once in a great while leads... Read more »

Joint Open Letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Initiated by Network of Ethiopians in Geneva for Action Taskforce (NEGAT) Michelle Bachelet Jeria Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland... Read more »

A firm base for political stability: Youth employment

BY MENGESHA AMARE Economic change and financial stability can undeniably result in calming the political sphere as change engines—the youth—start thinking the future of their life and that of the posterity to... Read more »

Disinformation, misinformation, and fake news in the Ethiopian context

BY WONDIMU MEKONNEN Sensational, eye-catching headlines can be so exciting well into the first few lines of a paragraph before one stops to notice that the fancy title is exaggerated, unfounded and... Read more »