A firm base for political stability: Youth employment


Economic change and financial stability can undeniably result in calming the political sphere as change engines—the youth—start thinking the future of their life and that of the posterity to come.

It is well recognized that socio-economic and political balls are prettily intertwined as thinking one without the other is an unimaginable.

Hence, responding to myriad of queries of the youth is an incomparable means to create a stable, prosperous, inviting and resourceful nation as the prime change engines, the youth, will not be easily bent in the direction where elements who have a deviated ideology crafted to follow.

Of the prime daunting challenges by which the world over peculiarly the developing ones have now been seriously baffled, unemployment, which has in turn seriously bottlenecked the youth not to contribute their share to the development and change of their respective nations, comes at the forefront. This exigent scenario has to be well addressed as it causes ill-gotten gains if left untouched and overlooked. The social, economic, political and other related aspects that can be well driven by the youth have not yet brought about the desired transformation due to lack of job opportunities. This lack emanates from a number of reasons such as reluctance to give special attention to the effort geared towards addressing the hurdles and trying problems the youth have been experiencing and the socio-economic snags the new generation is forced to swallow.

Undeniably, the youth with unresolved ever increasing demands can easily be twisted by elements shouldering hidden agendum or running a number of ill-intended missions.

Taking all the negative repercussions and demerits of unemployment and lack of engagements on which the psychological or physical trust of the youth indemnified, the Addis Ababa city Administration’s hands are full in sketching a number of schemes to help the youth be people of their dreams.

“We really change ourselves and make our tomorrow very brighter through work,” is the motto that pronounces the words of the over 28,000 graduates of solid waste collection and disposal at the ceremony conducted at Addis Ababa Stadium. Over a billion Birr is allotted with a view to attaining the set target and encouraging a number of youth to effectively discharge their responsibilities thereby contribute to the improvement of individual life, family wellbeing and national growth in aggregate.

The training aimed at boosting the proliferation of integrated city beautification, green development and urban gardening. For this to happen, over 5 million meter square plots of land are prepared by the city administration, according to Adanech Abebbie, Addis Ababa City Administration Deputy Mayor.

It was a truly exciting moment when young people were made delighted to be able to contribute to inspiring and measuring progress towards meeting the goals of city of Addis Ababa.

“There is no secret behind the social, economic and political prosperity and advancement of all developed countries across the globe; it is rather hard work and commitment to run every activity without cherry-picking. Many countries are now cited exemplary ones in bringing about change and development. Hence, Ethiopia has to draw important lessons from these countries as it is endowed with what is required for its overall progression,” said the Deputy Mayor.

The deputy mayor made this remark with the very determined spirit to back the youth in due course of changing the lives of the unemployed youth and change the image of the city to make its name proportional to its international status quo.

Incontrovertibly, Addis Ababa’s name has not so far bespoken its function, practical aspects in terms of tidiness, master plan and the grade given to it. Of course, a range of challenges have been attributable to this all.

Rural urban migration despite its merits might be accompanied by a number of disadvantages. Year by year, numerous young and productive generations comes from different rural localities of the country thinking that there are abundant job opportunities and lucrative engagements especially in Addis Ababa city.

However, in most cases many have found what they thought prior to their coming to the city and what they have encountered are diametrically different. Besides, the income and skill development of the youth is purely limited by inability to find gainful employment.

As a result, innumerable ones are potentially exposed to unlawful acts and become criminal culprits. Yes, most of the time, unemployed urban youth are exposed to high rates of crime as a result of lack of job opportunities to win daily bread.

Such an appalling move rife in various parts of the nation particularly in urban localities is unprecedently becoming a time bomb that explodes to spoil the serenity of the nation in general and the city in particular. Apart from this, the situation has become a fertile ground for anti-peace and anti-development elements to easily meet their intended targets.

As to the Mayor, all these futile attempts and ill-equipped missions can easily be aborted by the coordinated effort of all. Since the city administration is committed than ever to engage the youth in various job opportunities, they can economically empowered thereby other sectors particularly the political sphere will be in a position to be safe.

The Deputy Mayor said, “We believe the youth are the agents of change, not mere beneficiaries of employment programs, we are able to meet the set targets standing by the side of them. We are here to accompany you on your journey and support your aspirations. Such a scheme we have crafter for instance would help you come together in groups to share, learn and apply newly acquired technical, entrepreneurial and life skills.”

As the country in general and the city administration in particular is working hard to achieve the ambitious ten-year plan including those related to youth employment, the private sector, investors, the diaspora, and the general public specially the youth are expected to fully on board to make a difference in all aspects.

According to Adanech, the government is to ensure that the youth have access to the best business and education practices and that disadvantaged groups benefit out of jobs offered by the either the government or the private sector.

In a nut shell, since unemployment potentially contributes to inequality and spurs social tension, it in any form is a drag on an economy and citizens of the nation. It also undercuts productivity, investment, and stunts national growth.

The Ethiopian herald January 12/2021

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