The living museum keen on meeting tourists’ needs

. Tourists call for good heritage conservation HARAR – The living museum (Harari State) expressed its keen interest in meeting the needs of tourists via putting various rigorous efforts towards spurring tourism... Read more »

Gold detector assembly plant opens here

ADDIS ABABA (FBC) -Al Hilal Gold Mining opened a gold detector assembly plant here yesterday. The plant built at around Gofa Square will supply its products to local and East African gold... Read more »

Ministry to boost private investment in agriculture

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Agriculture announced that it has planned to increase the private sector investment in agricultural production. Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Ministry Agricultural Investment Support Director Alemayehu Gebresselasie... Read more »

Nation scaling up illicit coffee trade control

BISHOFTU- Ethiopia is scaling up efforts of combating illicit coffee trade via establishing a command post in charge of regulating and controlling illegal foreign trade. Agriculture Minister Omer Hussein said recently that... Read more »

Youth critical to attainment of sustainable development goals, says ECA’s Chinganya

ADDIS ABABA (ECA) – Africa’s youth are an important vehicle that should be harnessed to ensure the continent achieves sustainable development, says Mr. Oliver Chinganya, Director of the Economic Commission for Africa’s... Read more »

Seeking job opportunities abroad, the other option

Recently, the premier had told parliamentarians that Ethiopia is planning short term measures to reduce unemployment in the country and rise to the increasing job demands of citizens. One of these short... Read more »

Ministry underscores best practice expansion

The best practices with regard to animal breeding and fishing that have been witnessed in the Southern Nations and Nationalities State have to be well developed and replicated to other parts of... Read more »

Ministry concerns over agricultural inputs timely supply

 The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) expressed concerns over the timely supply of agricultural inputs [anti–weed chemical and chemical pesticides] and their distribution to the farmers nationwide this Ethiopian crop season. MoA urges... Read more »

Strive for implementing the ‘medemer’ principles

In his Thursday press briefing, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has highlight­ed the country’s success in boosting its foreign relations as a result of his ‘Medemer’ (synergy) principles. The three principles of ‘Medemer’... Read more »

Ethiopia-China-Sri Lanka collaborate on renewable energy project

 ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia, China and Sri Lanka have signed a tripartite agreement for the implementation of Renewable Energy Transfer (RET) project with main focus on solar and biogas energy development. During... Read more »