Strive for implementing the ‘medemer’ principles

In his Thursday press briefing, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has highlight­ed the country’s success in boosting its foreign relations as a result of his ‘Medemer’ (synergy) principles. The three principles of ‘Medemer’ as ex­plained by him are: “Activation, Balance and Common Ground,” which he summarized as the principles of “ABC”.

With those principles, Ethiopia’s relations with countries in and outside of Africa are bringing about tangible results over the last one year.

As Prime Minister Abiy pointed out Ethiopia’s efforts for resumption of direct talks between the two Sudanese parties, and the acceptance of Ethio­pia-AU transition proposal are among the major showcases to the growing role of Ethiopia in the region as well as internationally.

Ethiopia’s proposals aimed at ushering in democracy and peace in Sudan in a way that regards the country’s sovereignty has also won the support of the international community. In so doing, Ethiopia has remained impartial and focused only on creating common ground for both parties.

The other showcase of the ‘Medemer’ value is indicated in Ethio-Eritrean relations. Relations between the two formerly warring countries are gaining momentum from time to time. Though some international media wrongly perceive the closure of their borders as a sign of soaring relations, both sides are working tirelessly to put their ties on solid ground through legal instru­ments. The Eritrean government has also been evaluating proposals present­ed to it on the use of ports.

Likewise, diplomatic cooperation with African and other countries has also been gaining new momentum. Ethio-Chinese cooperation, for instance, has been translated into unprecedented financial grants, restructuring com­mercial loans to concessional ones, not to mention the canceling of debt interests.

For many years Ethiopia has been pursuing a diplomatic relation that focuses on peaceful cooperation. Ethiopia has been doing its best to ensure peace and stability around it. Its commitment to the safety and well being of the region is accompanied by practical measures such as sending peace­keeping contingents, medical teams etc. Since the 1960s Ethiopia has been sending peacekeeping troops to Democratic Republic of Congo, Korea, Rwanda, Liberia, Burundi, South Sudan, Darfur, Abyei and Somalia.

It has also been doing unreserved work to brokering a peace deal be­tween war waging states or armed groups. Most of the peace deal efforts of the country were successful as the country also enjoys the trust of the conflicting sides.

Apart from the efforts to cooperate in peace and stability Ethiopia has also established strong collaborative relationships with many countries. Its relation with countries is growing even in a robust manner.

With its decades of experience in diplomacy and its unreserved inter­est to build strong ties, Ethiopia is now becoming an influential country both at a regional and global level. On top of that, as a country hosting many international organizations like the African Union (AU), Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Ethiopia’s contribution to shouldering regional and global affairs deserves to be acknowledged.

To materialize Ethiopia’s endeavor; and to pursue a mutually benefitting foreign relations, countries need to consider and implement its principle of ‘medemer’ as they are all meant to benefit all.

The Ethiopian Herald August 04/2019

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