The living museum keen on meeting tourists’ needs

. Tourists call for good heritage conservation

HARAR – The living museum (Harari State) expressed its keen interest in meeting the needs of tourists via putting various rigorous efforts towards spurring tourism growth in its state while tourists call for good heritage conservation.

The State‘s Chief Administrator Orden Bederi told The Ethiopian Herald that his administration is in an attempt to put in place the necessary infrastructure that goes along with the expectations of tourists and visitors.

“For instance, the state is pushing for Harar’s airport construction commencement sooner than later as a number of tourists and the general public have been often requesting us to do so.”Moreover, he said the state is in deep need of tour operators this is because most of these operators are found in Addis Ababa. “If there are some tour operators here, it will for sure increase the influx of tourists and create job opportunity for locals as well.”

As to Orden, the hospitality industry in Harar is showing some improvement both in quality and quantity, but more needs to be done in this regard. Meanwhile, an Italian tourist named Marco Geuna who set foot on Harar’s soil for the first time said the state should prioritize heritage conservation efforts. “Harar is blessed with a number of tangible world heritages which can attract massive tourists, thus the pertinent body needs to pay most attention to heritage conservation,” he reiterated.

Regarding his stay, he said: “It is awesome walking in small streets of Harar Jugol, the old walled city and UNESCO world site, together with the most opened, peaceful and friendly people I have ever met before.”

Also Serena Eastronovo came to Harar for the first time. She said Harar city is very attractive and interesting than other cities of Ethiopia because it is the mixture of various cultures. “I like the cuisine and the colorful houses here. I enjoyed strolling in Harar main market and street foods too. I had also good time going to the place where coffee is being roasted.”

Serena recommended that the state has to carry out more promotional activities in a bid to increase the tourist arrivals apart from working hard on heritage conservation. On the top of visiting UNESCO’s Peace Prize winner and world site, a lot of tourists come to Harar city to see Hyena feeding, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 6/2019


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