Ministry to jump-start overseas employment facilitating technology

ADDIS ABABA – A database technology system that will facilitate legal employment process of fellow nationals in the overseas is due to be implemented said Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. State... Read more »

pledged to act as ambassadors for entrepreneurial integration with Indonesia

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian youth entrepreneurs, Kalewongel Tesfaye and Sileshi Sals Umer, who were attending the Indonesian Africa Infrastructure Dialogue (IAID) in Bali, Indonesia on 20-21 August 2019 pledged to work as... Read more »

United States and Japan in mood of uplifting young entrepreneurs

The U.S. Embassy, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and iCog Labs celebrated the successful conclusion of Solve IT 2019, so disclosed by U.S. Embassy. As to the press release, Solve IT... Read more »

ATO says tourism, the easiest sector for economic integration

ADDIS ABABA – Africa Tourism Olympiad, an Ethiopian initiative for African Tourism Industry, said tourism, which brings opportunities for its large population of youths, is the easiest and key sector for economic... Read more »

Focuses on women’s economic empowerment, solution for multidimensional problems

ADDIS ABABA – Knowing full well the multifaceted advantage of maximizing women’s economic empowerment, added tasks are underway, disclosed Ministry of Women Children and Youths Affairs. Towards stepping up women’s economic empowerment,... Read more »

Ethiopia towards pulling off e-commerce

Ministry of Innovation and Technology announced that added efforts have been exerted to build digital economy. A delegation led by Minister Dr. Eng. Getahun Mekuria had paid a visit to China’s leading... Read more »

Institutionalizing peace, reconciliation

 With the spearheading role of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia has managed to successfully help restore peace and order in the Republic of Sudan. The latest agreement between the conflicting sides... Read more »

Experts stress gov’t should take more actions to address forex shortage

Ethiopia has been taking a series of measures to tackle the shortage of foreign currency that it has been contending for the last couple of years. Now that the problem persists in... Read more »

Tigray gains Birr 414 mln. FDI last fiscal year

• Over 1,600 local investors licensed ADDIS ABABA – Nineteen foreign companies with over Birr 414.18 million capital have invested in Tigray state in 2018/19, according to Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC). EIC... Read more »

Minister says cultural values must be held as bases for peace, democracy, development

ADDIS ABABA – The tourism sector should be prioritized cultural values as they are bases for peace, love, democracy and development for the country, says Minister of Culture and Tourism. While addressing... Read more »