Institutionalizing peace, reconciliation

 With the spearheading role of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia has managed to successfully help restore peace and order in the Republic of Sudan. The latest agreement between the conflicting sides is hoped to bring about a lasting solution to the unrest that unfolded in the country in recent months.

This sets an example to the notion of African Solutions to African Problems. While all endeavours to ensure peace and stability from all side is welcome, it is also worthwhile to make sure that African people should take the lead in seeking a lasting and effective solution to their problems.

War and conflict were once considered synonymous with Africa. At some point in time, many parts of the continent suffered protracted conflict. Various international, continental and regional organizations did their best to solve the problems through brokering peace deals and negotiations.

While some of the efforts were effective sporadic conflicts were observed still in the continent. Yet, African countries also played part in relying on themselves in addressing their problems. This brought the nation African solutions for African problems.

Ethiopia’s endeavour can also be taken as a milestone that ensures the continuity of efforts of the continent in seeking durable solutions for its problems. It is undeniable that African countries have been working towards ensuring peace and stability in the continent under the framework of the continental organization, African Union.

Just like other member states Ethiopia has also been striving to make sure that it is contributing its best to the peace and stability of the region. Hence, it has been considered as stabilizing force of the horn region which is otherwise known as a volatile one.

Just as the saying goes “Charity starts at home” Ethiopia was able to contribute to the stability of the region as it managed to realize its internal security or stability.

However, it has passed through a series of chaos for the last couple of years. The country was able to restore peace and order by applying both its years of experience in controlling conflicts as well as seeking peaceful solutions to uproot conflicts from their very causes. One such example of seeking a lasting and effective solution to conflicts in the formation of the Peace and Reconciliation Commission.

The Commission which just went operational is undertaking promising activities peacefully resolving the conflicts and unrest at home. However, the successful accomplishment of its mission is likely to have a far-reaching impact on the country’s efforts of contributing to the peace and stability of the region as well as the continent.

By bringing together their experiences and initiatives, African countries can synergize the efforts of ensuring peace and security in the continent.

The Ethiopian Herald August 24/2019

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