Prime Minister exemplary in helping advance nation’s tourism sector: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s recent global tourism award is fitting to the role he has played in improving the sector since coming to... Read more »

Focus on artworks promoting unity in diversity

For obvious reason, the messages that convey through literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works entre easily into minds and hearts of a given public. That is why for many centuries, prominent public... Read more »

Ethiopia, S. Korea set to establish ministerial joint committee

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia and South Korea and agreed to launch a joint committee which led by their top diplomats, for deepening bilateral partnerships. The countries agreed yesterday after the discussion between... Read more »

UAE’s news outlet seeks to serve best interest of the region

. To commence service in Amharic ADDIS ABABA– Al-Ain News’ decision to open its East African Regional Office in Addis Ababa is a clear manifestation in terms of serving the best interest... Read more »

Anchor investors keen to replicate Hawassa IP’s eco-friendly facilities

ADDIS ABABA – Growing number of African countries and international businesses are vying to replicate the Hawassa Industrial Park’s (IP’s) eco-friendly facilities. According to Fitsum Ketema, Park General Manager, the park is... Read more »

Park hits record high tourist flow aftermath of wildfire

ADDIS ABABA – Semein Mountains National Park visited by a record number of tourists despite the fierce wildfire that broke out last March and put into control later in April 2019. Park... Read more »

Union aspiring to promote peace through art

ADDIS ABABA– The Ethiopian Music Sectors Association Union said that it has been working to capitalize on the music industry to promote peace, tolerance and coexistence and mobilize the public to national... Read more »

Ministry prepares five-year draft strategic plan

ADDIS ABABA (FBC) –The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) launched a five-year draft strategic plan. This was announced at the second conference of the advisory council of the MoSHE which... Read more »

Leaning on modern, useful technology is a must do

Technology is like a double edged sword for it could be applied for good or bad purposes like the way nuclear energy could be utilized for both ends. Facebook too could be... Read more »

Promoting healthy agricultural practice

Experts from the agriculture and plant science sector indicate that the harms on the environment and human health the ever-growing global chemical inputs application on crops and plants cause range from insignificant... Read more »