UAE’s news outlet seeks to serve best interest of the region

. To commence service in Amharic

ADDIS ABABA– Al-Ain News’ decision to open its East African Regional Office in Addis Ababa is a clear manifestation in terms of serving the best interest of the region and further strengthening Ethiopia’s relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the media sector, Office Director said.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Al-Ain News Regional Office Director Anwar Ibrahim said that the establishment of the online media in the metropolis showcases UAE’s keen interest to bolster the all rounded ties with Ethiopia.

The Director stated that Al-Ain News selected Addis Ababa for its Regional Office taking into account Ethiopia’s dominant political and economic role in East Africa and the rapid economic progress the country has registered over the past decade. Hosting the Headquarters of the AU and the UNECA as well various multilaterally and bilaterally accredited missions, delegations and institutions, Addis Ababa is the ideal place to the seat of the news media.

Applauding the momentum in Ethiopia’s multifaceted relations with UAE and other Arabian Gulf countries, Anwar stated that the establishment of the news organization is also a showcase for UAE’s consideration of Ethiopia among its strategic partners in Africa and its desire to enhance the bilateral relations in political, economic and social frontiers.

The Director stated that Al-Ain News has been providing in-depth analysis, documentaries and news reports about Ethiopia and the international institutions based in the country including the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Arabic.

According to him, preparation has been finalized to commence service in Amharic language in a view to presenting a better and in-depth reports of Ethiopia through recruiting more local professionals and opening correspondent offices across state capitals. Aside from widening mediums in local languages, Al-Ain has also a plan to re-launch English service soon.

Anwar further said that Al-Ain News has been closely working with officials of both public and private media and set plan to provide professional trainings in new media practices in a view to addressing skill gaps in Ethiopia’s media sector.

According to Ibrahim, Al-Ain News would serve as a bridge between Ethiopia and the Arab World by promoting the ongoing progress of the nation for its followers.

“Last week, we produced a program on girls’ festivities locally known as Ashenda, Solel and Shady in Addis Ababa where a significant number of girls and women were taking part. By doing so, we disseminated a message for the Arab World that Ethiopia is a country where gender equality is ensured,” the Director noted.

It was stated that Al-Ain News’ Regional Office in Addis Ababa became fully operational on December 2018. Al-Ain News is a major news organization based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and has bureaus in the Middle East, Africa and North America.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 27/2019


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