Focus on artworks promoting unity in diversity

For obvious reason, the messages that convey through literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works entre easily into minds and hearts of a given public. That is why for many centuries, prominent public figures, politicians, leaders and others have been using arts in mobilizing citizens for common cause apart from galvanizing them to take actions. Plus, art has been their best tool in addressing public grievances, in expressing happiness in life and so forth.

The same is true for Ethiopia. A number of Ethiopian artists, musicians, authors and the like have been leaving their fingerprints on the history of this great nation with their everlasting artworks. In contrast, currently some are misusing much of their potentials and times in producing short-lived literary or musical works only for the sake of money.

At this particular period, seeking cheap popularity is also the main reason behind the releasing of low quality music in high number and the mushrooming of bad artworks at all.Thus, nowadays many experts in the field are urging artists to come up with artistic works that last forever, and on the top that they are highly expected to produce best contemporary artworks making use of high tech equipment properly.

Everybody agrees on the fact that Ethiopia is in deep need of artistic works that depict vividly the long-standing coexistence and tolerance among various ethnic groups and promote unity in diversity at this moment. This is because for the last three years, using ethnic differences, some irresponsible individuals have left no stone unturned to incite violence and chaos in this country.

Indeed, Ethiopia is so blessed with cultural diversity and different traditions, hence, every fellow citizen has responsibly to preserve and pass down these rich cultures and identities to the posterity at any cost whatsoever.

Now more than ever, the artists have to work harder with a view to reflecting the unity and diversity of the Ethiopian people through their cultural and music performance. The innovation, talent show, paintings, sculptures, books and entertaining programs need to be also presented in such manner.

Moreover, the Ethiopian artists residing here and abroad have to be active participants in a national festival that will be kicked off on the coming September aimed at promoting forgiveness, unity and peace here in Addis Ababa.Taking part in the activities that spread messages of peace and love among Ethiopians is of course timely and a noble deed by all standards.

In fact, unity and peace festival will attract a huge number of visitors besides, federal and state senior government officials. Champions of peace and Presidents of Rwanda, Kenya and South Sudan as well as two former heads of states will also share their experiences about peace and reconciliation.

Therefore, every artist has to present artwork that showcase the greatness of Ethiopia in a bid to promote unity among the people.Appreciating the organizers, The Ethiopian Herald also called upon other individuals to organize and take part in similar activities and urged other stakeholders in the country to engage in the activities that bring about forgiveness, unity and peace.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 27/2019

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