IGAD members benefit more from cooperation than competition: FM

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu (Ph.D.) said the peace, security, and development of the wider region of IGAD member states would benefit from more cooperation, not competition. During the... Read more »

Women economic empowerment: The right path to gender equality

Women economic empowerment is the best way to achieve other genderrelated goals such as equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth. That is why scholars and development institutions see economic empowerment as... Read more »

Adwa Victory: An epitome of African nationalism

In the history of the so-called ‘Scramble for Africa’ and in which many of European powers moved quickly to invade, divide, colonize and seize African territory, March 1, 1896 was an important... Read more »

Ethiopia’s lasting prosperity attached to forestry: Experts

ADDIS ABABA– Leading senior experts in forestry underlined the importance of scaling up nation’s forest program and switching from agriculture led to forestry leddevelopment strategy program, Dr. Yitebitu Moges, National Reducing Emissions... Read more »

Digital technology alleviate census challenges: Agency

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Central National Statistics Agency said that utilizing modern census technology yields greater strides with regard to conducting fair, credible count and making the whole operation effective. The... Read more »

Agency aims to heighten engagement with Diaspora

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopian Diaspora Agency is to be officially launched this coming Friday, and it is expected to help heighten the engagement with the Diaspora community Speaking to the Media yesterday, the... Read more »

Africans suggest history books to incorporate Adwa Victory

ADDIS ABABA-Though Ethiopia has recorded a historic victory at the Battle of Adwa in March 1896, the extent to which it is known by Africans and Black people across the world appears... Read more »

How can Ethiopia accommodate dual citizenship in the upcoming elections?

Since the coming of Dr. Abiy Ahmed to office, Ethiopia is undergoing through political and economic reforms, which included opening the door for exiled politicians to return home and participate in domestic... Read more »

Premier lauds activities to ease doing business

. Urges for tangible actions Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed stressed the critical need for ensuring quality growth for it relieves the country from debt burden and natural resource dependence thereby to... Read more »

A review of the one month performance of the Doing Business initiative underway

A review of the one month performance of the Doing Business initiative is currently underway by the National steering committee.   Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed the importance of creating a conducive... Read more »