A review of the one month performance of the Doing Business initiative underway

A review of the one month performance of the Doing Business initiative is currently underway by the National steering committee.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed the importance of creating a conducive environment for businesses to start up and access finance as a means of tackling the structural problem of unemployment.
He further noted that in addressing access to finance problems faced by many startups, a revision of lending practices which allows putting up movable assets as collateral is being put in place.
The ten key indicators in improving Ethiopia’s ease of doing business rating are focused on:
1. Starting a business
2. Construction permits
3. Registering property
4. Getting electricity
5. Getting credit
6. Paying taxes
7. Trading across borders
8. Resolving insolvency
9. Protecting minority rights
10. Enforcing contracts
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stressed that cutting bureaucratic bottlenecks in these processes will enable focus investment areas of electricity, mining, housing, manufacturing and SME’s to be effective.
Source Prime Minister Office

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