Adwa Victory: An epitome of African nationalism

In the history of the so-called ‘Scramble for Africa’ and in which many of European powers moved quickly to invade, divide, colonize and seize African territory, March 1, 1896 was an important glorious episode which conveyed strong message for colonialists, oppressed black peoples and the other nations that were subjugated under foreign powers.

The Day, the Ethiopia Army overwhelmingly beat and gained decisive victory over the invading Italian force at the Battle of Adwa, thwarted the contemptuous attitude of the European powers and opened a new chapter in the history of black people- to fight for freedom and unchain themselves from colonialist servitude.

The Victory, further than being a source of national pride and dignity for Ethiopians, it was a decisive period that arose and galvanized all black people with a new determination for anti-colonization struggle and freedom. The other way around, it was a moment which ashamed and obliged the colonizers to accept the unthinkable disgraceful defeat. Above all, the unexpected defeat cracked up the formidable conspiracy of colonialists.

In fact, the road to independence was not as smooth as one thinks. Rather, it was an arduous journey filled with ups and downs and lots of blood, tear and sweat. That is why all black peoples, including Nelson Mandela, uttered boldly its greater significance for Africans- as the Victory was one of the push factors ‘for anti-colonial, pan-African movements and the African Renaissance’. The Victory of Adwa, hence, as it is repeatedly uttered, is not merely the success of Ethiopians; but also of all black people worldwide.

And that is why Africans and black people cherish and proud of it. A century has already elapsed since this gratifying incident has happened. However, the triumph still shines on the horizon of Africa elevating the spirit of its people. No doubt, it will also continue sparkling and become the top headlines whenever the issue of ‘Partition of Africa’ and colonialism is discussed.

However, to make the history more livable and assist Africa’s new generation understand their own histories, widen their perspectives towards their identity teaching them is imperative. To allow this happen, advocating and devising a more inclusive curriculum which clarifies continent’s struggle for liberty and the accomplishments of their forefathers, as well as the most important moments in the history of Africa is sensible.

On top of this, therefore, the Battle and Victory of Adwa is central. For Africans, learning their own history and understanding what happened to their own ancestors is more meaningful and sensible. Thus, African leaders, elites and historians should strive to instill the actual history of Africa to Africans in every possible ways.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 27/2019


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