Hatching conspiracy theories in the Horn creates space for the proliferation of terrorism in Africa

BY SOLOMON DIBABA  All conspiracy theories that are fanned to destabilize the socio-economic and political fabric in Ethiopia are doomed to fail but the atmosphere they create in promoting terrorist organizations that... Read more »

Proactive diplomatic move to curb misinformation and misrepresentation of facts!

 BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA  A special insight into the current international news regarding the internal crisis in Ethiopia shows us how the presentation of the facts is being distorted due to a number... Read more »

Three years economic progress at the midst of challenges

 BY STAFF REPOTER Yesterday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had a discussion with members of the parliament. During the discussion, the Prime Minister has reported the economic and political performance of the nation... Read more »

The significance of observers in the upcoming election

BY SOLOMON DIBABA A couple of days back the NEBE announced that it has issued permits for more than 30 CSOs whom it said are qualified to observe the 6th National Election... Read more »

Empowering through education: UK-funded Chevening scholarships opening doors for women

BY ANGELA SPILSBURY International Women’s Day was observed on March 8 under the theme “Choose to Challenge”. That theme resonates well with the UK government’s ambition to champion gender equality across the... Read more »

A poverty eradication miracle: China’s story

BY H.E. MR. ZHAO ZHIYUAN, Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia The enduring challenge of poverty makes the efforts to combat it a constant priority on every government’s agenda across the world. China’s fight... Read more »

Integrated Agro-industries are transition belts to full national industrialization

 BY SOLOMON DIBABA A week ago, Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed and his team inaugurated the Yirgalem Agro-Industry Park which was the first agro-industrial park in southern Ethiopia. According to the Prime... Read more »

Justice prevails in Ethiopia over the curse of the rapacious junta!

 BY YIDNEKACHEW TEKLE Backstabbing Ethiopian National Defense Forces on the midnight of Nov. 4, 2020, the cynical veteran annoyed with bravado, in three decades voraciously robbed Ethiopia’s resource and military capital, and... Read more »

Unity, patience, tolerance: Unshakeable indigenous assets

BY DIRRIBA TESHOME Ethiopia is the homeland of original knowledge hidden in the culture of over 83 ethnicities in the nation. And Oromo is among the ancient people, frequently considered the indigenous... Read more »

Ethiopia prevails despite TPLF’s conspiracy and foreign pressures!

BY ZERIHUN MEGERSA JIMA (Charge D’ Affairs of Ethiopian Embassy in Eritrea, Asmara) Ethiopia, a country of nearly 110 million people, a nation of mosaic cultural and multilingual society, an example of... Read more »