(Charge D’ Affairs of Ethiopian Embassy in Eritrea, Asmara)
Ethiopia, a country of nearly 110 million people, a nation of mosaic cultural and multilingual society, an example of religious harmony, a proud nation of thousands of years of uninterrupted history has preserved its independence from colonizers through the sacrifice of its brave sons and daughters. This makes it an icon for black people’s freedom. This land of origin for humankind is also home to numerous symbols; a country of world-class athletes; owner of the prideful Ethiopian Airlines, the wing of Africa on the sky; and a beacon of hope for African prosperity aspiring to build an economy with its homegrown policy, including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
In its long history of statehood, Ethiopia has passed through thick and thin that tested its survival but has prevailed. Let alone long history, even fast forward to the last three years of the reform process, the country is facing huge challenges which have forced some to be desperate about Ethiopia’s continuity. To mention a few, following Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s coming into power, TPLF, a group that monopolized the power for 27 years, but lost its power by popular revolt, repeatedly tried to disrupt the reform process initiated by the Prime Minister. This extremist clique opposed the release of political prisoners including Andargachew Tsige, the Ginbot 7 Secretary-General who was abducted from Yemeni Sana’a Airport and detained for 4 years, conspired to derail the reform in the security sectors, downplayed the reform taken in the justice system, election board, human rights commission and other democratic institutions, financed paid agents committing terrors in various parts of the country.
TPLF also attempted to assassinate Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on June 23, 2018, at the popular support demonstration held at Addis Ababa Meskel Square. The group continuously engaged itself in defaming the Prime Minister, but various obstacles on the implementation of the long-awaited Ethio-Eritrea peace agreement, stood against the Nobel Peace Prize given to Prime Minister Abiy for his initiative of the peace deal with Eritrea, rejected the postponement of Election 2020 as a result of the danger on public health posed by the new COVID-19 pandemic, held illegal regional election contrary to the country’s constitution, rejected the legitimacy of the Federal government and finally committed military attack on the Northern Command of Ethiopian National Defense Forces, the backbone of the nation’s security institution, late midnight on November 4, 2020.
Attacking one’s nation’s national army is the crime of all crimes that any country in the world would not tolerate. It is tantamount to a treasonous act. Following this act of crossing the red line, the National Defense Forces took an offensive. Over the course, TPLF continued its destabilizing actions by throwing dozens of rocket attacks to Bahir Dar and Gondar cities as well as to neighboring Eritrean cities such as Asmara, Deke Mehari, Ghemalo and Nefasit. The rocket attacks on Eritrea were aimed at provoking the Eritrean government for retaliation on Tigray cities and in turn making the case a regional security problem, to push the international community pressure the Ethiopian government to sit with TPLF and negotiate for power-sharing, which was the ultimate objective of the group. Fortunately, all TPLF plans have failed and the only thing left is their diaspora propaganda machine led by digital woyane. At this point, TPLF combatants are defeated by the Ethiopian army, their key figurative leaders are handcuffed and brought to court, some of the leaders and army commanders are killed and a few of the criminal leaders are hiding in caves, monasteries and farmers houses to save their lives.
Even though TPLF’s defeat is crystal clear, its diaspora wing is working tirelessly to mislead the international community by disseminating false propaganda, using fake pictures and videos, fabricating fake stories such as mass killings, rapes, lootings and Eritrean Army involvement. This TPLF digital army is using the looted Ethiopian tax payer’s money for the past 27 years, paying agents such as Martin Plaut, Kjetil Tronvoll, Rashid Abdi, and their likes for misinformation campaign. On the other hand, TPLF diaspora leaders have also succeeded in buying some parliamentarians, lobbyists, leaders of human rights organizations, a journalist in international media, political analysts in western countries and lined them up for this disinformation campaign. As a result of this, some international community members were extremely misled, forcing the UN Security Council and European Union to focus on the Ethiopian government law enforcement operation conducted in Tigray. In this regard, we Ethiopians are thankful to some countries namely Russia, China and India for standing tall siding on the truth during the UN Security Council meeting held on March 5, 2021.
Contrary to the misinformation campaign and some countries and organizations mere effort to pressure our country, the government of Ethiopia is diligently working on the ground to rehabilitate the Tigray region damaged by TPLF inflicted conflict. As of now, the government-insured peace and stability in the region facilitated unfettered access for aid agencies and international media, distributed food assistance to 4.2 million people in need covering 70% of the total aid amount, while 30% is distributed by foreign aid agencies. About resumption of social services, the federal government have repaired the damaged telephone and electric lines, resumed Ethiopian Airlines flight to Mekelle, 75 percent of hospitals in Tigray resumed delivering services, Grade 12 students took the High school leaving national exam along with students in all parts of the country, necessary preparations are also finalized to reopen schools at all levels. The government is also investigating the claims on alleged human rights violations such as mass killings, rapes and lootings through the Ethiopian Human Rights Council and Attorney General’s Office, independent institutions that are the fruits of the reform process in which the TPLF was opposing. The provisional administration of Tigray is operating down to district levels in most of the region. The safety of refugees is also insured by the federal government. Just recently, about 40 Ambassadors and Diplomats of several countries have visited Mekelle and discussed with the provisional administration of Tigray. Last but not least, the government of Ethiopia has begun the second round of need assessment and also prepared a three months rehabilitation plan for the Tigray region.
All the above activities undertaken by the government of Ethiopia needs to be recognized by the global community if not applauded. Pressuring Ethiopia through allegation based on misinformation campaigns has to stop. Ethiopia is not a country that negotiates against its sovereignty just for the sake of financial assistance.
To conclude my piece, let me quote Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s description of Ethiopia’s stance on diplomacy from his last parliamentary speech as follows;
“My message to friends of Ethiopia is that we may be poor but we are not a country that will negotiate against our sovereignty. If the international community wants to be a partner with us (Ethiopians), you need to know us. Before many countries existed, we were a nation. Ethiopia is a country that knows also diplomacy very well. It’s a founding member of the United Nations and African Union. Let alone today, even a hundred years back, during the colonization era, we were the only independent African nation… Threatening Ethiopia for coins doesn’t work. This is not our mistake. Since our forefathers injected it into our blood, don’t blame us for this. Ethiopia will prevail indeed by its brave sons and daughters’ mere effort, as well as by their flesh and blood when needed!!!” Indeed, Ethiopia prevails!
The Ethiopian Herald March 19/2021