Unflinching rhetoric standing on the way of an Agreed settlement

(Assistant Professor & Director of International Affairs Office, Jimma University) After the USA and World Bank brokered deal process between Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan on the first filling and operation of the Great... Read more »

Can Egypt claim morality and truth to be on its side over the GERD?

Backdrop: Before I proceed to put forth indisputable facts that rebut Egypt’s non-stop lamentations about the purported ‘calamity” the GERD (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) is to bring upon that country, and the... Read more »

Enforcing strictest control measures against COVID-19

Currently, international and local media are engaged in reporting about the new coronavirus as it is causing mass destruction in the world. Some of them are concerned that the impact could be... Read more »

The tale of two legends: GERD won’t champion over Tana’s grave

History is not only made through new breakthroughs. But achievers also strategize to maintain their ageold values intact so as to continue with their progress in the economic, cultural, political and technological... Read more »

Transforming potential conflict into cooperation potential for peace and sustainable common development

A dispute between Egypt and upstream African nations has brought to the fore a long-standing controversy over who has rights to the waters of the Nile. In essence, the five nations were... Read more »

The Nile is for us all: Egypt must play fair

First, it accused Ethiopia of “intent to exercise hydro-hegemony” of the Nile waters, and now, despite ongoing negotiations, Egypt has written to the UN Security Council accusing Addis Ababa of failing to... Read more »

COVID-19 and China-Africa Partnership: The Need for More Cooperation

 Part I China-Africa Partnership: The context Africa forged cooperation and partnership with major economies like EU, USA, China, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, the Arab League, India, Turkey, South America, and Korea, among... Read more »

Revamping the response against COVID-19 virus through sustained development programs

The current comprehensive response against COVID-19 virus can hit targets only when it is integrated with the nation’s development programs. Under the condition in which we are not so sure for how... Read more »

Two odds on the way of Ethiopia’s reform

History cannot ignore Ethiopia’s contributions to Africans’ freedoms. The victory of Adwa, under leadership of Menelik II, has been known as a victorious symbol of African peoples that because Ethiopia’s wining spirit... Read more »

“Decrying” constitutional crisis where it does not exist

“It is prohibited to assume state power in any manner other than that provided under the Constitution.” Article 9(3) of the FDRE constitution. On May 6, 2020, the Amharic version of this... Read more »