Modern edible oil factory goes operational in Gondar

GONDAR- Edible oil factory with nearly 100 million Birr capital investment, owned by Tsehay Farmers’ Cooperative Union, inaugurated yesterday at Gondar City, in presence of federal and regional Officials. During the inauguration... Read more »

What could Africa gain from a reformed UNSC?

Despite the relentless efforts to reform the UN as a whole and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in particular, membership in the SC has not been able to expand and include... Read more »

Institute to advance supporting Ethiopia’s green economy

ADDIS ABABA –Supporting and tapping Ethiopia’s climate resilient economy potentials would help the nation realizing greenery goals and practitioners said Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). Attending a business workshop organized by Environment,... Read more »

EPRDF to transform to national party

ADDIS ABABA- Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said that the study to transform the ruling coalition to a national political party is near to completion. The Premier made the remark during a... Read more »

Ethiopia, France Keen to Strengthen Ties

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mrs. Hirut Zemene warmly welcomed Mrs. Marielle De Sarnez, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly today in which the two sides... Read more »

Noting that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, Mrs  Hirut Zemene 

State Minister of Foreign Affairs of FDRE   Mrs  Hirut Zemene  yesterday  (February 24) visited the Holy Trinity Cathedral Primary School in Addis Ababa, her former school, and shared her experiences to students. The... Read more »

Parties’ forum discuses nation building issues

ADDIS ABABA-Ethiopian political parties discussed yesterday on issues that spearhead nation’s building. On the event papers on the role of Universities in creating critical students who truly concern for the mass and... Read more »

Nation strives to combat climate change

Ethiopia has been striving to ward off climate change catastrophes and as such several success stories have been achieved so far, according to the Ethiopian Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission. Speaking... Read more »

Ethiopia proving investment magnet

ADDIS ABABA- A growing body of evidence is exhibiting Ethiopia has turned out to be the best investment-destination country in the world, disclosed Investment Commission (EIC). The country is putting in place... Read more »

Fate of unitary-symbol -lacking federalism

Unitary symbol scheme and citizenship right are instrumental to define federalist administrative sketches and to urgently address public grievances. Social Democracy Party Deputy Chairperson, Tilahun Endeshaw said that externalizing unfavorable circumstances and... Read more »