Nation strives to combat climate change

Ethiopia has been striving to ward off climate change catastrophes and as such several success stories have been achieved so far, according to the Ethiopian Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission. Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Professor Beyene Fekadu, Commissioner of Ethiopian Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission said that the Ethiopian government has been striving to combat climate change through planting seedlings, water and soil conservation mechanisms.

‘‘To prevent global warming, seedlings should be planted. To achieve this, awareness creation works were done on the importance of planting seedlings. Community mobilization has brought encouraging results in this regard. This would decrease the release of carbon-dioxide. We should work to make Ethiopia a salubrious country for its citizens,’’ according to Prof. Fekadu.

Government structures, the public and other stakeholders should widen their knowledge on climate change and its attendant ills, he stated. Adding: ‘‘Planting seedlings and taking care of the planted ones should be the responsibility of all citizens.’’ The commissioner highlighted that deforestation, overpopulation and environmental degradation are among the formidable factors that conspire to creat climate change.

Hence, family planning and environmental conservation should be brought into play to tackle climate change. ‘‘In developing countries, forest is used for various consumptions. People fell trees for building homes and firewood purpose. Thus, they destroy the environment and make it vulnerable for climate change. The ever increasing population has added gasoline to the fire’’ Prof. Fekadu noted. ‘Climate change is affecting developing African countries like Ethiopia.

Our country has been a prey to climate-change -induced catastrophes like El Niño and drought. Hence, this has created an impact on its economy especially on the agriculture sector.’’ Climate change increases surface temperatures, melts snow and glaciers, raise sea level .The combined effect courts droughts and floods. It as well militate against water and food resources, he explained.

The Ethiopian Herald learned from the Commission’s publication that many problems had surfaced in different parts of the country due to climate change. Catastrophes like heavy flooding and drought were witnessed in places such as Dire Dawa, Wollo, Somali, Oromia and Southern Ethiopia. “Currently, the country has been undertaking full scale environmental conservation works.

Millions of seedlings have been planted in different corners of the country. This is be expected to boost produce and productivity in the agricultural sector,’’ according to Prof. Fekadu. Finally, the commissioner has urged stakeholders to exert maximum efforts in planting seedlings, tending planted seedlings, protecting the environment and reducing carbon dioxide to tackle the catastrophes of climate change.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 24/2019


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