Institute saving endemic crop, horticulture from extinction

ADDDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) announced that it is undertaking substantial measures on conservation of the country’s variety of endemic crops and horticulture species from extinction. Crop and Horticultural... Read more »

Experts call for well organized approach to reignite public participation

ADDIS ABABA- Experts urge further efforts to be exerted to revive the publics’ participation in the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). After briefing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on the... Read more »

One year on: PM Abiy vows to strengthen institutional reform

• Calls on for political dialogue and talks to move from the streets to town halls • Ethiopia brought in 13 billion USD in 7 months, first time in its 100 years... Read more »

A year on: Ethiopia’s reform in eyes of competing parties

ADDIS ABABA – The sweep political reforms that had been introduced by Premier Abiy Ahmed (PhD) throughout the year have to be appreciated and supported in light of seeing a glimmer of... Read more »

Gov’t so determined to finalize GERD: Premier

ADDIS ABABA – Finalizing Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a top priority of the government and the flagship project would for sure be gone operational as per the newly established timeline,... Read more »

Major reforms achieved despite challenges: Scholars

ADDIS ABABA- The national reform has saved the country from disintegration despite challenges related to peace building efforts, scholars that have had their say on the year-long reform with The Ethiopian Herald,... Read more »

Renewed Ethio-Eritrea ties major diplomatic step of the year: Ambassadors

ADDIS ABABA- Resident ambassadors to Ethiopia said that Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s meticulous leadership to forge peace with Eritrea at swift pace is the landmark diplomatic achievement of his first-year premiership. Ambassadors of... Read more »

Reform’s first anniversary

Major achievements • Ethio-Eritrea rapprochement • Mass release of political prisoners • Appointment of women in half of the ministerial posts • Nomination of impartial individuals to democratic institutions • Amendment of... Read more »

A Call for promoting, enhancing multi-faith character

« It was in this month that, at the behest of Prophet Muhammad – may Peace and Blessings be upon Him – Muslims, fleeing persecution, left Mecca to take refuge with the Negus,... Read more »

Ministry works to free horticulture from environmental, human hazards

ADDIS ABABA -The horticulture farms need to work to ensure the safety of the workers and environment as well as to enable the country fully benefit from the industry, so disclosed the... Read more »