Major reforms achieved despite challenges: Scholars

ADDIS ABABA- The national reform has saved the country from disintegration despite challenges related to peace building efforts, scholars that have had their say on the year-long reform with The Ethiopian Herald, stated. Premier’s uncompromising stance on nation’s survival is commendable, said Interim Head Commander (CDR) Demelash Kasaye (PhD) at Addis Ababa University, School of Social Work.

“Due to different factors, the country has been plunged into anarchy as there have been a number of breaching of rule of law and such irresponsible acts have put the lives of millions at risk .” Agreeing with CDR Demelash, Addis Ababa and Admas Universities Political Science Lecturer Tewodros Mebratu said that: “It seems that especially ethno centric groups totally ignore rule of law and behave as if they controlled the universe.”

Noting that ensuring peace and stability, strengthening institutions and upholding democratization are the three pillars of the reform, the expert indicated that the effectiveness of the reform should be evaluated from these stated pillars. He said: “Even though astonishing achievements have been realized under reform, there are also looming difficult situations being observed especially in ensuring peace and stability which could be summarized as failure to maintain rule of law.”

 Demelash noted that the reform has witnessed success in practicing freedom of expression and press. “For the first time the country has no imprisoned journalist.” The scholar further pointed out that the privatization decree and the government’s willingness to open strategic public enterprise for private owners is another promising step of the reform. The privatization can bring both quality and price competition to the consumers, he disclosed.

Tewodros praised the measures being taken on national debt and foreign currency management, legal amendments that are in progress like Anti-Terrorism Law and other institutional ongoing reforms in the justice sector. Concerning foreign relations, he lauded the peace that was forged with Eritrea saying the rapprochement is crucial for both countries and the Horn at large. Ethiopia has also done commendable activities to strengthen ties with all neighboring countries.

“Despite embarking on a new journey due to the reform, there are some challenges related to realize sustainable peace and stability across the country,’’ Demelash said adding that the existing forced eviction and public unrest could threaten the country’s peace unless the conflicts are resolved shortly. As to him, problems that have been witnessed in the federal and state governments’ relationship, lack of clearly stated policy and frameworks to operate the reform as well as assigning of incapable officials on public posts and inability to ensure rule of law and the likes are problems of the current leadership.

“While extreme tribalism, activists’ misconducts, ill use of social media and others are external factors for absence of peace.” On the other hand, the expert noted gaps in ensuring rule of law are the biggest shortcoming of the reform. Absence of peace and stability and the lack of impartial and strong institution at different level are factors mentioned by him to worsen the problem.

As a way forward, he called up on the leadership to focus on country’s peace before everything becomes out of control and to further strengthen and built strong rational institutions that can uphold rule of law. The expert urged universities and civil societies to play their role in this critical time in organizing various dialogue and discussion platforms at different level and bringing together contesting parties. He also stressed that the federal and state governments inter-relation ought to be clarified.

The Ethiopian Herald, April 2/2019


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