One year on: PM Abiy vows to strengthen institutional reform

• Calls on for political dialogue and talks to move from the streets to town halls

• Ethiopia brought in 13 billion USD in 7 months, first time in its 100 years of history

• What we did in women empowerment is a lesson for the rest of the world

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday stated that efforts will be directed to promoting peace and rule of law, and to erecting institutions that serve every Ethiopian equally during his second year in office. Marking the one year anniversary of his April 2 inauguration in Millennium Hall yesterday, the Prime Minister went through his one year in office, and what is expected of his administration and every Ethiopian in the coming year.

While marking the anniversary, he said, we have to bear in mind the successes we gained in the past seven months, which were not gained without ups and downs. “During the past twelve, thousands are freed, many reunited with their families and a number of more positive achievements were witnessed.” During his speech, Abiy pointed out on the need of creating a society that is more open to entertaining multitude of ideas, whilst also rooting out political intrigue and extremist politics.

In terms of the economy, the Premier stated that in the past seven month alone, Ethiopia has been able to bring in 13 billion USD from investment, credit/loan, aid, remittance and service. “Ethiopia has never been able to achieve such feat in its 100 years of history. And had we not been able to do this, it would have been impossible to get out of the mess we were in.”

He also said that the government has been able to supply the private sector eight billion USD in the same time span, solving the huge issue the sector used to face when it comes to long list to import materials and items they need for their business. The PM also admired the type of leadership demonstrated to reduce the current debt burden and complete remaining [public] projects, especially when it comes to being in a position to finish the GERD project, which today celebrated its 8th year anniversary.

The Premier also mentioned the effort exerted to consolidate democracy and promote rule of law in the past one year. As the effort to build democratic, we have initiated last year is in its infancy, we will need to come closer and talk and discuss on ways to achieve it. “But we need to do that not in the streets, but in meeting halls.” He also said that this should be done in a way that does not jeopardize the country’s development and unity.

Underscoring the longstanding culture of togetherness, the Premier also urged Ethiopians to promote the value of peace and unity to the younger generation. “Let our knowledge, skills, wisdom, energy and time be applied to the development of the country rather than displacing our own fellow men.” In his speech, Abiy also pointed out the works done in the past year by his administration to ensure gender equality and promote women’s empowerment. By bringing women to ministerial level and high ranking positions, as well as staffing 50 percent of the cabinet by female ministers, we have done encouraging job, he said.

“The decision is an integral part of the transformative agenda and it is the first ever in its kind in the Ethiopia’s political system and is an act that gives lesson for Africans and the rest of the world,” he remarked. Further, it was learned from the PM’s speech that in connection with promoting tourism, the National Palace will be opened for visitors as a museum with diversified new appearances this coming September.

Abiy also indicated that quarter of the Addis Ababa beatification project will be completed by September, 2020. “The accomplishment of these tourism projects aims to promote the tourism sector by attracting our African brothers and sisters as well as international visitors whilst also exhibiting our history, culture and identity to the outside world.” As much as it is amazing and astonishing, the road we have came so far in the past year also carry with it wide-ranging problems, the Prime Minister noted.

The focus next year will be on strengthening the unity and peace of the country, and strengthening the momentum of the institutional reform to build institutions that serve every Ethiopian fairly freely and equally. Also, Abiy said that small and medium scale irrigation and farming activities being undertaken this year will be strengthened to accomplish a fruitful work in the coming year.

The Premier also said that efforts will be underway to promote peace and rule of law, strengthen the tourism and mining sector, generate more foreign currency. “Attracting anchor international investors and more foreign direct investment is prioritized to create massive job opportunities to the youth. Regarding with cultivating rule of law, from now onwards every citizen will access justice from the doorstep of courts.”

While stating that the change that has come is the outcome of the sacrifice, commitment and prayer of all Ethiopians, he extended his heartfelt gratitude to all Ethiopians at home and abroad for standing by his side over the past twelve months, and their role in sustaining the change that is underway throughout the country.

Meanwhile, attendants of the event approached by The Ethiopian Herald uttered as Abiy’s 365 days on power has brought remarkable national achievements. According to Haleluya Mekonnen, a student, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has conveyed heart touching peace-centered messages repeatedly since his sworn in as a Prime Minister. Following this, he has accomplished the task of uniting all Ethiopians with his new motto of Medemer, she added.

“Abiy has done successive progresses in political, social and economic affairs by mobilizing every citizen. And his speeches and actions are manifestations to his commitment to realize the country’s peace and prosperity,” she said. She further said that the Premier has deepened the youths’ hope of realizing goals and initiated more youth to think beyond their surroundings. Mekuanint Abera is a businessman in Addis Ababa.

He told this reporter that since the coming of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in to power citizens’ hope of integration, success and greatness is renewed. And everyone might not be waver of witnessing the changes that have been registered within the past 365 couple of days, he added. Facilitating the trade sector, controlling inflation, generating and enhancing nation’s hard currency reserve as well as attracting anchor international investors are few among the many outstanding performances the Premier has made in the business sector, he indicated.

“Abiy was the right candidate and choice during the EPRDF’s contest as a chairperson of the Party while the country was in time of continuous demonstrations and conflicts here and there,” he said. For him, sustaining the past major reforms and curbing demerits are the future assignments to deal with aggressively.

The Ethiopian Herald, April 3/2019


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