Institute saving endemic crop, horticulture from extinction

ADDDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) announced that it is undertaking substantial measures on conservation of the country’s variety of endemic crops and horticulture species from extinction.

Crop and Horticultural Plants Biodiversity Directorate Director Tamene Yohannes (PhD) told The Ethiopian Herald that Ethiopia is among the center of origins of variety of crops and horticulture biodiversity in the world. Regarding with conservation of crops and horticulture, the Institute undertakes successive research and follow ups to identify the status of plants and crops throughout the country, he added.

“Highly endangered, endemic and high economic value crop and horticulture species are prioritized while doing conservation. 81,805 crops’ samples [variety with growing area and other criteria] and 576 crops [variety with species] were taken to the Institute Gene Bank in the past.”

Currently, there are five horticulture field gene banks established upon geographic area divisions and horticulture specialty area that are assisting to enhance horticulture conservation countrywide, he said. According to him, endemic crops and horticulture were severely damaged due to natural [drought, pest and climate change] and manmade [population growth and lack of awareness] causes.

For him, the successive introduction of improved crop seeds launched conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture every year to the farmers should include endemic crops breeding and distribution to save it from extinction.

He said Arabica Coffee Bean, Teff, Enset, Nug, among others are the major endemic crops and horticulture grown only in Ethiopia, adding that, these crops are being widely distributed from Ethiopia to the other world and currently cultivated in different countries, he indicated.

The Ethiopian Herald, April 3/2019


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