“Actually Ethiopia will remain a safe haven for Sudanese refugees,” – A refugee politician Ibrahim Kush

“Of late I feel anxious pertaining to the current circumstances of North Sudan given the to dos surfacing in the left, right and center of the country,” a Sudanese politician Ibrahim Kush,... Read more »

Human smuggling, trafficking disrupt business model

Falling prey to human smuggling and trafficking as well money laundering Ethiopia is listed as one of East and North Africa countries beefing up the financial muscle of criminal network, so disclosed... Read more »

Industrial parks, allurements to FDI

ADDIS ABABA – The development of industrial parks is playing quite a role in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), disclosed Investment Commission. Mekonnen Hailu, Communication Director within the commission told to The... Read more »

Ethiopia towards rendering its, Horn’s diplomacy robust

For the past couple of months now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has been undergoing successive reforms. Via such a move MoFA sought cultivating a robust and sustainable foreign diplomacy. It... Read more »

Policy change could not be a fad as it presupposes a thorough research

 To label countries either developed or developing or in other words either poor or rich economy proves the overarching parameter. It seems an unwritten rule that the developed countries are those countries... Read more »

Modernizing tax system to ensure fair competition, more revenue

ADDIS ABABA- Indirect taxes, VAT, TOT, and Excise tax needs proper usage to realize fair competition among traders and collect more revenue, said scholars and traders. Dr. Wondaferahu Mulugeta, Assistant Professor at... Read more »

Ethio-Sugar floats shares

ADDIS ABABA- After acquiring the recently privatized Wonji and Metehara Sugar factories, Ethio-Sugar Manufacturing Industry Share Company announced that it has started selling shares. Company General Manager Bitew Alemu told the journalist... Read more »

Over 14 domestic cities participating in Cities Investment forum

ADDIS ABABA – More than 14 Ethiopian cities are attending the three day Ethiopian Investment Week Forum underway at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center. The forum organized with the theme “care for our... Read more »

U.S. State Department hosts “Ethiopia Partnership Forum”

ADDIS ABABA – The U.S. Department of State hosted the “Ethiopia Partnership Forum”, an economic engagement platform organized by the Secretary of State’s office of Global Partnerships in collaboration with the Corporate... Read more »

House discusses EPA reestablishment draft proclamation

ADDIS ABABA – The proclamation for the reestablishment of Ethiopian Press Agency would contribute to enhance the role of the print media by improving in the political, economic and social development of... Read more »