Institute applying technologies to boost agricultural productivity


 ADDIS ABABA- The Amhara Agricultural Research Institute discloses that it is executing various activities on agricultural sector to ensure productivity thereby combating the current pandemic, COVID-19.

Institute Director General Tilaye Tekelwold (Ph.D) told The Ethiopian Herald that the institute is implementing technologies and conducting research to solve agricultural problem and ensure productivity in the region.

According to the Director General, the region has seven main research centers that are implementing over 60 types of technologies and a lot of researches to realize better outcome from the sector. In this regard, the work performance is evaluating on the schedule and helps to identify the problem and setting the solution thereby adapting the new technology. In addition to this, the institute has given advice to farmers on how to champion in better irrigation, agricultural inputs, and avoid insects to prevent the current pandemic, COVID-19.

Particularly, the institute is on the way of forming a taskforce in order to fight the pandemic to ensure the daily activities of farmers.

On the other hand, the institute has also animals research centers that how to protect from animal disease, use highbred, fattening therewith collecting animal feeds. It has significant measure when the pandemic go ahead. It has also working jointly with federal Agricultural research institute, universities like University of Gonder, Bahr Dar, and Wollo University that has been providing technical support and adapting technology.

Currently, the institute has more than 500 agricultural experts. Out of the total number of experts, close to 30 are Ph.D students, 180 master’s degree and the remaining bachelor’s degree holders. However, it is not enough especially compared with the wide range of the sector, rather it is appreciable measure. Similarly, it has implemented vertical agricultural production which is significant for urban agriculture that is simply exercised in backyard. It has good opportunity that fighting the pandemic with keeping social distancing. Meanwhile, lack of adequate finance, lands for seeds multiplication, tractors, and harvesters are main serious problem which hinder agricultural sector to ensure much product from the region.

The Ethiopian Herald May 23/2020


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