Adam did it!

“You know, people are forgetting about moral values these days. There is so much greed and selfishness!” You think that is a safe and sound topic for small talk. But it’s not... Read more »

GERD is my Heritage Dam A Huge Lake of Halal Water from Abay!

The Easter celebrations left bringing joy calling for Ramadan extending the season of prayers and giving alms. It was a show of faithful solidarity between Christian and Muslim Ethiopians. Despite the uncertainties... Read more »

Singing in the Rain

‘Rainy Night in Georgia:’ One of my all time  favorite  ‘oldies’ tune.  I  don’t  know what a rainy night in Georgia feels like. But I can tell you what a rainy day... Read more »

September, what!

The town is abuzz with a new ‘political script’ that seems to have come close to some sort of ‘news of the month’ status. Yes. I know there are other bits and... Read more »

‘The Curse

 Why is there so much suffering? Everyone have their own theory as to where this sly virus originated. (A cabbie I know was told by a regular well-heeled woman passenger that it... Read more »

The five-thousand Birr solution

The scoundrels were out in force to make quick bucks out of the people’s misery. One thing that made this holiday season more painful is that the rogues in the business community... Read more »

“Are you talkin’ to me?”

Saturday, Easter eve, early afternoon. The cell phone ‘screams.’ (It was a friend who said the ringtone of my cell was closer to a scream than a sober ringtone.) “Hello!” It wasn’t... Read more »

The ‘loyal’ crowd

“What happened to you?”  “I beg your pardon!” “You were a loyal supporter of … political party.” Oh no, not again! You never were even a supporter let alone a ‘loyal’ one!... Read more »

Pulling the ethnic card

My cell rings late into the night while watching some action film. No one I know calls at that time of the night. I don’t know the number calling. Having expected too... Read more »

The whole picture and nothing less!

A few days back I was having this chat with a relative of mine about the virus problem which seems to be redefining everything. The strictly religious soul she was, she told... Read more »