Heaven and Hell on the Job

Nothing could be as painful, as losing one’s job especially in these tough times of global economic turmoil. Skip hopping from one job to the other is no more easy. I mean... Read more »

 Hubby in the Kitchen and Siga Wot !

I’m not your kind of diary-friendly person. But I should start writing my diary. Yes what is there to lose? There is so much to write about. You know maybe literary agents... Read more »

Is GREED Driving Price Increase?

We were rushing from one side to the other trying to board minibuses going to home or other places. It is Saturday midday and the crowd rush is like you’ve never seen... Read more »

 ‘Conflict’ Catches You… if You Allow it to!

A guy we know goes to this place as part of a peacemaking group to try to stich up a friendship that was supposed to remain strong and intact for eternity. The... Read more »

 Locked and Bolted gates!

No more a resident of Arada! That’s me. Having relocated to the outskirts of the city, I just hope that the ‘Arada Phenomenon’ – if there had ever been anything like that... Read more »

 What’s in a Name!

Sometimes back a group of us were idling away time over tea when we heard three guys on a nearby table locked in a passionate debate. (Well, the way they structured their... Read more »

‘A totally perfect evening!’ – Spurs fans

crucial games in the English Premier League. The buildup leading to last Tuesday’s game between Tottenham Hotspurs and Manchester City was so charged even many back here made it their main agenda.... Read more »

 “You Caused Them; You Solve Them!”

I was imagining what I would say if I get the chance to talk to Him for a few minutes. There are so many things I’d like to tell him, ask him,... Read more »

 Helping the Needy; Restricting the Crooks!

They were a group of three, probably in their mid and late twenties. It is said none of them had any official source of income. But, so the talk of the town... Read more »

 Boats the Young Board Matter

Misinformation and disinformation, and bias and pure arrogance infecting the global media world it’s high time we worked, at least, to save the young from being led astray and ending up with... Read more »