Buhe reminds citizens to develop sense of togetherness

ADDIS ABABA – Addis Ababa City Administration said the country needs to keep the original cultural features of Buhe or Debre Tabor celebration which helps to develop sense of togetherness among the people.

Celebrating this year’s Buhe festival, City Culture, Tourism and Art Bureau Head Assistant Professor Nebiyu Baye noted yesterday that upholding the originality of nation’s cultural values would enable the people to know each other more and cooperate in the walks of life.

As to him, in commemorating the holiday, children play hoya hoye [choir] song door to door and in such way it is helpful to pass down the culture to the posterity apart from enhancing the social skills of celebrants.

On the other hand, he said that the transitive nature of the celebration would make the children to feel the longing of the next festivity and strengthen sense of togetherness. The festival takes place in commemoration of the transfiguration of Jesus on mount tabor every year.

For a long time, Ethiopians have been celebrating the holiday in various secular and religious ceremonies. In the church, it accentuated by various programs including rhymes, religious dances, praising God. The festival also has various cultural features such as exchanging gifts among God fathers and mothers and their God children.

On the other hand, children play hoya hoye choir in group praising householders moving door to door and receive a loaf of bread or coins in response. Attending the festival yesterday, City Deputy Mayor Takele Uma offered loaves of bread and some money to the children who played hoya hoye on the occasion.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 20/2019


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