Zone prepares Meskel Festival to propel tourism, economic growth

ADDIS ABABA-The Gurage Zone Culture and Tourism Department has organized the Meskel Festival aimed at stimulating the tourism sector and driving economic growth.

The Department’s Head Meseret Ameregatold the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that the festival aims to attract both foreign and domestic tourists. This year’s celebration is themed “Our Meskel Festival for Our Tourism Resources.”

According to Meseret, the festival’s arrangements highlight Meskel as a major economic driver for tourism, displaying the zone’s rich cultural and culinary heritage. The festivities began yesterday and will continue through tomorrow, with various cultural events designed to captivate tourists.

“This year’s Meskel Festival is being held in Garad Kebele, Anor District, about 50 kilometers from Gunchire town. The celebration takes place in Jefore, a cultural village that showcases the zone’s tourism resources,” she added.

The festival includes traditional events such as cabbage kitfo preparation, the Demera (bonfire lighting), livestock slaughter ceremonies, and other cultural activities. Elders inaugurate the festival, which strengthens social bonds among participants, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

Meseret emphasized that Meskel is a core identity of the Gurage people and serves as an opportunity to promote the area’s untapped tourism potential to the world. The zone also plans to improve local infrastructure and attract Diaspora participation and investment in projects such as schools, roads, and other development initiatives.

Meskel is an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church holiday that commemorates the discovery of the True Cross by Roman Empress Saint Helena in the fourth century.



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