Ethiopia becoming more hospitable

Addis Ababa, a new flower as its name means, is growing more attractive from time to time as a beautiful flower that attracts bees and butterflies. It comes up with new offers for newcomers as well as transit passengers. Already a hub of international conference tourism, the metropolis still has considerable factors that can contribute to its growing significance as tourist destination.

According to recent news Addis Ababa has become the highest Average Daily Rate (ADR) arrival destination, according to the most recent 12-month data from an American company, Smith Travel Research (STR). As a result the country is selected to host the Africa Hotel Investment Forum on 23-25 September, 2019.

Ever since the City became the seat of the central government it has been a hub where all Ethiopians gather together. Later when it became seat of African Union and Economic Commission for Africa and many other international organizations, the city kept on its growth as center of continental and international events.

Located strategically at the cross roads of Africa, Middle East and Europe, Ethiopia is becoming an important tourist destination as well as transit for travelers from different places.

To start with travelling to or through Ethiopia has become easier than ever with the government’s milestone decision to issue visa online and visa on arrival which has widened the city’s access to travelers.

It is important to mention the fact that the capital city Addis Ababa, owns an international standard airport which is serving as a hub of many international and renowned air liners.

Once travelers arrive in the city through its modern international gateway, the good hospitality also continues with the new and state of the art transport facilities stationed at the airport. The government’s recent efforts to introduce modern meter taxi service is a good endeavor to raise the suitability of the city for its visitors.

After riding its taxis, the city proudly welcomes travelers with its increasing number of starred and international standard hotels. The number of starred hotels in the city as well as throughout the country is increasing from time to time.

Currently both the federal government as well as the city administration are undertaking various development activities that can raise the tourist attraction potential of the city.

For example the Sheger River Side project which was initiated by the prime minister’s office is an exemplary initiative to raise the city’s standard a step forward. It will contribute a lot to the environmental and aesthetic values to the city. Coupled with the community supported cleaning and greening activities, the city is changing its image dramatically.

In addition to Addis Ababa, cities across the nation are also showing remarkable changes in their hospitality. This makes the country in general a more welcoming country for visitors from across the world.

The Ethiopian Herald  August 17/ 2019

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