Africa’s quest for permanent seat at UNSC is not luxury

Africa is the only region without permanent seat despite representing 54 of the 193 member states of the UN and 18.3% of the world’s population. Excluding this large continent with the population of more than 1.4 billion is failure to UN.

Africa’s desire to be fully represented in all decision-making organs of the United Nations (UN), particularly in the UN Security Council, is informed by three factors. First, repairing the historical injustice of its underrepresentation in global governance; second, recognizing African contributions in shaping the contemporary world order; and third, the urgency of securing the legitimacy of the UN in the face of emerging threats to international peace and security, documents indicate.

Indeed, Africa deserves the right to equal membership in the global organization, the UNSC, which passes myriads of decisions that, include Africa denying the existence of truth in the case of its voice. Since long ago, African leaders have asked, time and again, to reform the Security Council. Besides, other leaders from friendly nations of Africa like India and Russia have voiced the issue in favor of it. They strongly believe that Africa deserves equal status with the rest of the permanent members. Major regions have representation but Africa is denied this privilege.

Though many countries of the continent were under colonization during the founding of the United Nations, Ethiopia, as non-colonized nation was the signatory of its founding charter If becoming a founding member gives special status, Ethiopia should be the one and is the right state to represent Africa’s voice. But victors of the WWII have taken the privilege. Ethiopia itself fought fascism in East Africa and secured victory together with its friends in need.

Peace and security issues of the continent shouldn’t be some external powers’ issue. Any discussion related to Africa must be taken care of by Africans as well. The old times in which Africa was the side observer of its own cases have already passed. African issues go beyond the continent and impact the rest of the world.

Thus, it is not begging for special favor to get seat, rather it is asking for its legitimate right. With its abundant natural resources; its emerging population with the majority of educated youth and its potential to develop among others make it attractive for various powers from all corners of the world. These powers that assume have national interest here; have to value not only its resources, but the people of the continent. They have to give listening ears to its questions and respond accordingly.

Some mighty states give green light for Africa to gain permanent membership in the SC but without veto power. African leaders, on the other hand, strictly oppose this discriminative move and ask for full membership with decision making power. Africa needs to be active participant in any discussion concerning its interests. Thus, the matter goes beyond veto power; it is the matter of equal participation.

If justice is fairly treated, this big continent shouldn’t be ignored to date. It has to engage, take part and play role in all Security Council’s operations.

In fact, Africa needs to work on internal issues. It has to strengthen interregional relations; consolidate economic integration; enhance cultural interaction; work on peace building; build trust among its nations and fortify the continental organization, the African Union, in the way it can serve its interest.

In so doing, Africa can speak with one strong voice; pose influence on issues that concern its interests; and get heard. Indeed, Africa’s quest for permanent seat at the UNSC is not luxury, but a matter of claiming legitimate right it deserves which seeks quick response.


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