Would Election 2020 determine nation’s fate?

• Politicians argue on conducting or delaying 2020 elections

In a recent press briefing, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) mentioned that the ruling party Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has taken a stance on conducting the upcoming general election as per the schedule but will not be able to make a single handed decision as the final decision will rest up on the consent of the people that is inclusive of other stakeholders or competing political parties.

There are controversial stances among political parties regarding whether the next election shall be postponed or not.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, leaders of competing political parties stressed that since the issue of election is more than a party’s benefit; the 2020 Election will determine the fate of the country, but argued on the need for delaying or holding the elections on schedule.

Briefing the stance of the Executive Council, EPRDF’s Political and Civic Affairs Head Fikadu Tesemma for his part said that the next national elections shall be held in accordance with the Constitution; and his party is preparing to compete as a party and to conduct the election as a government on schedule, he added.

In this regard, Natnael Feleke, Public Relations Head with the Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EZEMA), said his party has been preparing since the day it was officially formed and stressed the need for delaying the next elections, mentioning various problems as a reason.

According to Natnael, even though EZEMA is preparing for the 2020 election, the country’s readiness to conduct free, fair and democratic election is doubtful.

EZEMA believes that the next election will determine the destiny and endpoint of our country; he said adding “We understand that the issue of election is more than a party’s benefit. Even if EZEMA is ready to compete in the election with confidence, there are many issues that need to be worked out to prepare a country for such a crucial election.”

As to EZEMA, since democratic elections cannot be held without ensuring peace and security, the government must make sure that there is a national peace and security across the country that is conducive to conduct a free, peaceful, democratic and fair election.

Secondly, “Forums should be set up where political parties can freely present their alternative policies and strategies. Because election makes sense when there is something to choose and the voters have a good knowledge of selecting the options available.” In this regard, Natnael said EZEMA has prepared over 16 policies for the election and will make them accessible to the public.

EZEMA also believes that justice  institutions should build their organizational capacity to deal with disputes that may arise before, during and after election. Moreover, the various laws and regulations that help to carry out the elections must be ratified and implemented.

Fourthly, civil society organizations must be prepared to participate in the election. If the election is not supported by active participation of civil society, it will be difficult to assure democracy and justice.

Additionally, not only the competitors, but also voters registration must be completed, it is essential to agree on the type and number of election observers.

Since these and related activities require a great deal of attention, input and coordination, it is unreliable whether they can be completed within the short time remaining, Natnael also claimed that the election made just to keep a timetable can be more damaging.

By the same token, Engineer Yilikal Getnet, Chairman of the Ethiopian National Movement (ENM), sees dangers if the 2020 election is conducted. He argued that the election must be postponed as there is no time to make the country host reliable election.

As to Yilikal, the country is under threat from a frequent explosion of ethnic clashes; it is impossible to cultivate peaceful political landscape within the remaining short time. So, he argued that conducting election in this situation could cause an adverse social reaction, further fueling social conflicts inside the country.

If the security of the country is not going to recover, how can the people go and vote, asked Yilikal. There is no appropriate ground now to conduct democratic elections, unless the ruling wants to escalating conflicts instead of harmonizing, Yilikal stressed.

On the other hand, Chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) Merera Gudina, insists on the elections to be held as planned and on schedule.

Learning from the mistakes of past elections, the government needs to create conducive environment to conduct free and fair election, unlike any of the past, Merara appealed. Unlike EZEMA and ENM, Merara claimed the election must be conducted on its time frame, since there will not be other time to satisfy real public interest.

“The government has to ensure the peace and stability across the country, and must stretch the electoral structure to district level. Since the country is now in a unique political moment, there is no other magic formula to conduct election,” Merara stressed.

Like EZEMA, OFC also believes that the next election will determine the turning point of Ethiopia to continue as a nation. They both agreed that the next election will be a way of expressing genuine public interest in a way that has never been before.

 The Ethiopian Herald  August 17/ 2019


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