Embassy, Tamra for social dev’t organization ink 590,000 USD to combat HIV

ADDIS ABABA – The U.S Embassy and Tamra for Social Development Organization signed yesterday worth 590,000 USD (62 million Birr) award aiming at addressing ongoing challenges in HIV services for the coming one year.

The signing ceremony was held between the U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ervin Massinga and Tamra for Social Development Organization’s Executive Director, Biruk Yirgalem. The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provided the support to help health programs and institutions to address ongoing challenges in HIV services, focusing on access and continued use, both in the community and at healthcare facilities.

During the signing ceremony, Amb. Ervin Massinga said that the U.S. government has invested 3 billion USD in the presence of emergency plan in Ethiopia that to support HIV response during the past 21 years. It is also supporting the effort of ensuring quality health service for the communities in the country.

As to him, community leadership engagement would play a pivotal role in ensuring the long term sustainability of HIV’s response whilst the U.S. is continuously modifying and improving the program to bring better response in the HIV especially the way how enhancing individuals and the community reserved in that regard.

He also said that under the community leadership engagement, the U.S. supports 300,000 USD (31 million Birr) in 2021. The main goal of the community lead manner is to help health program, institutions, with HIV that increase knowledge and understanding of the people. The U.S. government is committed to support the fight against HIV and support the improvement of health service in Ethiopia.

Tamra for Social Development Organization’s Executive Director, Biruk Yirgalem said: “It is a pivotal moment for our journey. This signing is not only signifies the two bodies collaboration but also our shared commitment in creating and expanding impact in the communities.”

Biruk added that the partnership with PEPFAR began since 2021 through the first round Community Lead Monitoring (CLM) project implementation in Shashemene Town, Oromia State.

“In the past three years, we have expanded the effort realizing in Negele-Arsi of Oromia and Addis Ketema Sub City of the metropolitan that was driven by a community lead approach. As we take on the role of lead organization for the CLM project in 2025, we embrace the responsibility of coordinating 15 co-implementers across 12 states and the two cities administrations in the country,” he noted.

Biruk added that Tamra for Social Development Organization was established in 1998 in Shashemene town’s High school by ten visionary groups that started as a club and focused the HIV pandemic among others. Currently, it is engaging youth empowerment, gender equality, and environmental justice alongside with HIV.



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