Ministry focuses on incentivizing high achievers to enhance quality education

ADDIS ABABA – As both private and public higher education institutions should strive to produce students with better quality than quantity, it is important to focus on incentives to high achievers, according to Minister of Science and Higher Education.

The Minister Professor Hirut Woldemariam says incentives like giving recognition and awarding scholarship opportunities is of paramount importance for enhancing quality education.

This will motivate the next generation to be eager for a better achievement in their entire university life besides encouraging the graduates for better performance.

According to Teshome Lema, Higher Education Strategic Center Director with the Ministry, strategic plan is being prepared which governs Ethiopian higher education up to the coming five years in order to solve problems at universities and nourish quality education through creating effective and competent community.

The government of United States has awarded 27 Ethiopian highest university result achievers to attend higher studies in different colleges and universities there. Training was given for those students at the American Embassy for Ethiopia to give awareness about the education system in America.

Amanda Jacobson, Head of Public Affairs at the US Embassy avowed that the aim of America’s scholarship program for Ethiopian high result achievers is just to produce well trained and educated manpower that can build the new Ethiopia. Moreover, awarding scholarship program for students is indispensable for encouraging others, he noted.

“The authority is endeavoring different activities to enhance quality education. Among them, capacity building and quality auditing at higher education sectors coupled with improving license recognition system are the major activities underway for enhancing quality education in the country,” said Tarekegn Gerara, Communication Director for Higher Education Relevance and Quality Education (HERQA).

He also added, the authority has automated its system by new software technologies to detect the quality of higher education across the country. Enhancing quality education is not the task for education stakes rather parents have also a role in tackling problems regarding the education system, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald  August 17/ 2019


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