Diplomacy & Green legacy

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Taye Atske Selassie held a discussion with Belarusian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Parvel Vziatkin. The two sides noted the need to conduct regular political consultations to further enhance bilateral relations.


Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Taye Atske Sellasie held a discussion with Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Claver Gatete on strategic areas of importance.

Their discussion focused on strengthening collaboration between Ethiopia and ECA in strategic areas of importance defined by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, such as innovation, statistical data, social development and macroeconomic development.

A paradigm and mindset shift is needed for the change we want to see in our Green Legacy endeavors. Our goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from our overall target of 50 billion, which means we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle.

PM Abiy Ahmed

The Ethio-China Business Cooperation Promotion Conference, held in Addis Ababa, underscored the vast potential for economic collaboration between Ethiopia and China. The conference brought together over 200 participants, representing businesses from both nations with the aim to explore opportunities to strengthen economic ties.


The Ethiopian Herald June 23/2024


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