Ethiopia earns over 600 mln. USD from oilseeds, pulses export

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia has earned over 600 million USD from the export of oilseeds and pulses in the just-ended fiscal year, said Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI).

Mesfin Abebe, Crop Products Marketing Director at MoTI told The Ethiopian Herald that the country earned the income of some 388 and 267.6 million USD from the export of oilseeds and pulses respectively.

Sesame, nug (blackseed), pumpkin seeds, nuts, cabbage seeds, and flax are the major oilseed exports of the country. Similarly, white and red kidney beans, soya beans and chickpeas are important exports in the pulses sector.

Mesfin said oilseeds are the most important export crop in terms of volume and play a significant role in the lives of the country’s agrarian community and stakeholders in the national economy. Especially sesame, which covers 97 percent of the country’s oilseeds export, has become the most relevant commodity.

In addition, pulses have always been important both for the domestic as well as export markets. Suitable climate for annual and permanent oil plants, availability of cheap labor force and huge global demand for quality food oil are the major reasons for enabling Ethiopia to have the potential to become a major exporter of oilseeds.

Utilizing these advantages, the Ministry has been working to boost the quantity and quality of oilseeds and pulses export, Mesfin said. The lack of standardized laboratory to cross-check the quality of export products remains a challenge in ensuring international competitiveness. The foreign trade monitoring system is also weak, he said, conflicts in some parts of the country have also distracted a timely supply of the products for export.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 15/2019


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