ECWC, KAM Ceramic Products ink MoU on ceramic material production

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kam Ceramic Products PLC to produce quality and accessible ceramic products.

Speaking at the signing ceremony on Friday, Corporation General Manager YonasAyalew (Eng.) said that this accord is a timely and a significant milestone between the government and private sector to play a great role towards providing quality products at a reasonable price.

He said the Ministry of Industry has long been extending consistent support for the seamless progression of the agreement.

“As part of the government’s strategic development plan, the corporation has been toiling efforts to beef up construction productivity and import substitution,” he remarked.

Yonas further remarked that the corporation has been employing various trustworthy undertakings thereby building the capacity to cope up with the forefront private sector.

It was indicated that the corporation has taken 30% of the total capital of the local firm, accounting for two billion and eighty million Birr.

Praising the role of the government and various stakeholders in the entire progress of the project, Yonas emphasized that the country highly requires the sector to promote the export volume to neighboring countries which in turn brings foreign currency.

On his part, KAM Ceramic Products PLC General Manager Wario Galgalo stated that the sector needs to be the country’s priority since it has a multilayered outcome.

The construction of the project has been delayed for the last seven years due to Covid 19, foreign currency, access to land shortcomings, it was learnt.

“The project, situated at Bishoftu Town, is now remaining with civil works and slated to be operational three months later. Upon completion, its production capacity will be 20,000 square meters of ceramic tiles per a day, which help balance the supply and demand side in the long run,” Wario said.

Moreover, he said, prime attention has been given to the project since recently because of the availability of domestic raw materials and import substitution promotion.

At the event, Industry State Minister Tarekegn Bululta asserted that the government has made viable structural shifts and given priorities to the development of the industry which is now at the infant stage.

Besides, streamlining technologies, skilled manpower are critical inputs to garner decent job and expedite nation’s sustainable economic development, he noted.

Mentioning the minimal contribution which is less than 7% GDP share, Tarekegn underscored that the government has given wider spaces for private sectors, share companies in a bid to tailor the country’s immense potential.

According to him, this agreement would be the pioneer homegrown ceramic industry which is highly believed to curb dependency on foreign companies supply, construction shortage, and foreign currency glitches among many others.



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