Ministry foresees private sector’s active engagement in housing dev’t

ADDIS ABABA – The government would create an enabling environment for private sectors to undertake sustainable and inclusive housing development, Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure (MoUI) disclosed.

MoUI Housing Development Lead Executive Officer, Tsegaye Moshie told The Ethiopian Herald that the government would provide the private sector with the needed support to have active involvement in building houses.

As to him, the Ministry has planned to build 4.4 million houses of which 80% of them will be constructed by the private sector in the coming ten years.

He added that the organization revised housing development strategy to shift from governmnt to private oriented in order to benefit the middle and small income community.

Besides, he said, the government has given serious attention to approaching houses designed for rent, which is alternative to reduce housing challenges.

“Massive small approach which is building additional houses on landownership to encourage building houses bring remarkable outcome in Oromia State,” he noted.

He further stated that participating private sectors in building houses helps reducing government’s cost and promotes sharing knowledge, experience, and technology in the sector.

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia National Director and Representative to AU, Yitna Tekalingn on his part said that his organization has been working with various instituations to address housing challenges in the years to come.

Yitna added that conducting research, working with institutions engaged in house building, policy improvement, and establishing plan is crucial to address housing constraints.

“Inclusive and sustainable housing development will encourage by reinovating the old shelters and building the new houses through using youth volunteer activities and making association and building empowerment,” he stated.

So far, Habitat for humanity Ethiopia reached over 800,000 citizens during the past three decades.



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