Borena boosts agricultural products, wins over drought

ADDIS ABABA – Oromia State Agriculture Bureau announced that Borena Zone is started to provide various products to central market apart from completely solving drought problem.

Oromiia State Agriculture Bureau Heads and other senior officials visited Borena Zone of agricultural development activities.

Up on the visiting, Oromia State Agriculture Bureau Deputy Head, Beriso Feyesa said that the zone was released from drought problem and was able to confirm its productivity. Therefore, it has been providing various products such as Teff, Cattle, and Goat to the central market.

As to Beriso, Oromia Agriculture Bureau has been carrying out various activities such as providing agriculture inputs and giving occupational training in order to boost agricultural products and productivity.

Borena’s Zone Administer, Abduselam Wariwo on his part said that over 128,000 hectares of land are cultivated in the zone whilst expected maximum agricultural products from it.

He remembered that the zone is one of the pastoral areas and the community has been exposed to sever problems due to lack of adequate rain in the last five consecutive rainy seasons. As a result, the zone has received various humanitarian supports in the above stated periods.

Abduselam said, “over 7,000 quintals of teff and other products have been providing in the central market following various activities have been carried out. He said 10 out of 14 water dams started under the FINA project have been completed and put into service, which is a part of sustainable development work. The remains four water dams will be finalized in the end of June 2024.”

Borena Zone Agriculture Office Head, Jalala Dulecha on his part said that animals fodder has been sown on 1.2 million hectares and the produce is being put into the fodder bank. It is part of preventing further damage to the herdsmen and farmers when drought might be occurred in the future.




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