Ministry confirms Nation Climate Smart Agriculture approach shaping

ADDIS ABABA- Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource Management announced that nation effort in applying Climate Smart Agriculture approach through identifying areas vulnerable to climate change is bearing fruits.

Within the Ministry Environment and Climate Change Directorate Natural Resource Management Officer Marshet Tefera said that the Ministry has been practicing to do away interlink challenges of food security and climate change harming over the years.

She noted that in order to sustainably improve the food production and increase the resilience of farming systems, the Ministry working in mainstreaming with all pertinent stakeholders. The approach is helping farmers into transforming the production systems into more established climate-resilient and low emission agricultural practices than ever before.

Ministry encourages indigenous knowledge that fore fathers had been used in old times. She noted that the approach is supportive to achieve the goal of green economy. Climate Smart Integrated Rural Development Project, Adaptation expert Samson Emiru for his part said that the Ministry had identified seven woredas and fourteen kebeles as a target areas from various states.

As to him, these woredas had been selected based on their vulnerability to climate hazard, increased variability of rainfall and frequency of drought. He underscored that the Ministry had selected areas subjected to increased resilience to recurrent droughts in these areas through an integrated water, agriculture and natural resource management approach to achieve increased capacity to manage current and future drought risks through improved adaptation planning and sustainable management of agro-ecological landscapes.

It was learnt the selected vulnerable woredas include Tenta in Amhara, Raya Azebo in Tigray, Adama and Aleltu in Oromia, Lake Abaya in southern and Wahil Cluster in Dire Dawa and Sofi in Harari .

The Ethiopian Herald, August 14/2019


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