212 mln USD Converter Station to be completed in June

Ethiopia earns more than 28 million USD from power export

ADDIS ABABA – The construction of the Sodo Electric Converter Station is set to be completed in June, 2019, according to Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).

Once completed, the station, whose construction is being undertaken with a total cost of 212, 042,053.56 USD loan obtained from Africa Development Bank, will provide service for the Ethio-Kenya power linkage project. Currently, 75 percent of the construction work has been finalized. EEP also stated that the 500 K.V Sodo Electric Converter is a pioneer project in terms of applying modern technology with the capacity of holding 2000 Megawatts.

Documents from the project further indicated that erections of beam and gantry have already been accomplished. Similarly, activities of assembling AC filtration bank, capacitor and resister are also well underway. The Ethiopian Electric Power, being the owner of the project, has reaffirmed that works of converter hall concrete fill have been finished and waiting for roofing.

As the time, a power controller building and relay house works have also been completed. While 150 foreigners are participating in the construction of the project, it will create 600 job opportunities for Ethiopians. The project is also expected play a key role in facilitating technology transfer. The project situated in the southern part of Ethiopia, seven KM away from the town of Sodo is taken as a strategic project in promoting socio-economic and political interaction between the East African neighbors.

Meanwhile, EEP has also stated that the country has secured 28,414,752 USD from electric power export to Sudan and Djibouti. According to EEP’s Marketing and Development Office, the power export revenue was gained from June to October 2018. The office also told The Ethiopian Herald that Djibouti which is the biggest consumer of Ethiopia’s power exports bought 17,501,481 USD worth of power while the rest 10,913,259 USD comes from Sudan.

212 mln. USD … Having the ambition to develop renewable electric power and thereby ensure economic integration among nations of East Africa, Ethiopia has been exporting more than 150 Mega Watts of power to Djibouti and Sudan. Other nations of East Africa are also showing interests to establish bilateral relation and reach agreements with Ethiopia after witnessing the country’s potential. Recently, Ethiopia is making bilateral relations to work together in the power sector with countries such as Somaliland, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Sudan.

Thus, efforts have been made to make the renewable power sector one of the major sources of foreign currency. During 2017/18 fiscal year, Ethiopia secured more than 75,000,000 USD from hydro electric power export.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 27/2018



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