The Shepherd Personal view

A sheep is more prone to getting lost than find its way where it lives. It is a kind of animal that easily strays due to some kind of desperation in its nature. Thus, much care should be taken for its survival. Sheep is not as independent as other domestic animals like goats, cows or dogs; it has to be continually looked after. Herding sheep, in addition to their confused nature, demands love and patience. Sobriety and integrity should mark the personality of the shepherd. The slightest wavering of the shepherd’s attention costs the dear life of the sheep; he should continually be steady in all his activities related to the sheep.

The duty of looking after the sheep is not as easy as it seems to appear; it is easier for a sheep to get lost. It takes keeping keen eyes on every movement the sheep makes. This saves the life of the sheep and a lot of trouble to the honest shepherd. The shepherd needs to have healthy eyes that can clearly see the right from wrong. In his sight, everything should not be similarly judged as there are always distinctions. He should be aware of the fact that all do not follow the rules he has laid down for the safety of each sheep in the flock. Thus, he has to have various methods as to how to handle each one.

So is the case in leading human beings. Unlike animals, man is guided by intellect, the sole gift God endowed him with the authority to do whatever he likes as long as his actions do not interfere with peace and safety of his fellow humans. He can use his mind to acquire many good things his soul desires to enjoy and that can also overflow to others around him. As much as abiding by the law benefits the person, breaking it as well harms not only the criminal but the society at large. This is the situation in which a wise leader or a shepherd is demanded for the benefits of all.

The leader in such circumstance, on top of securing peace and order, should provide for his flock as much as a shepherd does for his sheep. Once the people or the sheep are satisfied they lay in rest assured in the protection of the leader amidst turmoil and uncertainty. He assures his flock’s protection and lasting peace and always strives for that end. On top of this, he is bent on restoring his people/ sheep who are led astray due to their naivety.

Sheep, overwhelmed by fear, are very difficult to control and set them on the right track. This very fact draws us to the wrong way of herding the sheep the fact that we daily encounter. In Ethiopia, unlike many other countries, it is common place to see the shepherd chasing these confused animals from behind.

And yet, when they, due to panic, get confused, the shepherd, unable to admit his fault and failing to realize the helpless nature of the sheep, rather mercilessly inflicts painful whipping on the innocent animals. In actual sense, he could have known better as to how to go about with the art of shepherding or leadership. When such thing occurs to humans, the situation would go out of hand and results in a painful consequence.

A true shepherd, going in front of his sheep, even if he happens to pass through the shadows of the valley of death, which is an extremely dangerous circumstance, the sheep rest assured as he is between them and the danger that is intent on destroying their life. He is always with them and never abandons them, even to the extent of laying down his soul for them.

Not only for those under his leadership that he cares but also he travels any distance to retrieve those that strayed; he pours healing ointment on the wounded sheep. In similar view and with the same impetus, a leader is expected to do likewise. The safety of his people comes first before that of his own. In such situation, the people feel more secured and are confident in the presence of their protecting leader.

 Abreast of this, in the face of his adversaries, he takes them to the green pasture, to prove himself as the provider for his sheep abundantly while making sure that even distribution is in place. Under no circumstance his sheep should lack anything for their life sustenance. As the controller and manager of all the wealth, he sees to it that each is entitled to have a fair share. An enlightened leader takes a proactive decision and retroactively proceeds with the implementation to achieve the objectives related to the wellbeing of his people.

He creates a situation in which each citizen participates in the economic activities in his territory and benefits from the blessings therein. The shepherd welcomes constructive suggestions and ideas from his flock/people and wisely implement them for the transformation of the life of his flock /people and the development of his country at large.

At this point, with the trust and confidence accorded him by his people/sheep, in times of attack, the shepherd prevails over his enemies and never allows any chance for the destruction of the peace and security of those he vowed to defend. His rod does a great deal in the fighting against the daring attack of the enemy of his flock. He has keen eyes to vividly see the lurking dangers such as the corruption and robbery, treason to destabilize the country and the society and all the rest.

Thus, the shepherd’s high reputation in protecting his followers assures not only the ones under his control but also all those who witness these heroic adventures. Injured or not, in spite of their conditions, the sheep/people trustfully follow him. The threat that appears too fatalistic least affects them for they know that their leader is trustworthy in the face of turmoil and uncertainties. How hard the enemy tries to ridicule the shepherd, the sheep still follow their shepherd.

They turn deaf ears to whatever the enemy says and blind eye to whatever the adversary tries to show them. They are well aware of the fact that the enemy, under no circumstance, endeavor for their advantage, rather it is intent on destroying the good relation they have with their shepherd. They also understand that the enemy’s plan is to create discord among themselves as well; in doing so, it will be very easy for him to ruin the social fabric and ultimately break down the whole structure of the government.

The situation, in fulfillment of the desire of the enemy, becomes devastating to the peace and security of the country. This happens only if the sheep do not abide by the rules and regulation the shepherd sets in their interest. If he fails to do this, the counter action is inevitable. There are always such elements that do their best to belittle the leader in the sight of the sheep/people he governs.

Nonetheless, there are also remnants of citizens who are firmly built on the ground of nationalism to make the dream of their shepherd come true. The shepherd, as a principled leader, does not flinch a bit due to the seemingly chaotic situation along his path of development that the people ever hope for; he remains steadfast in the face of adversity.

With the same impetus, his faithful followers, hear his voice and know his language and clearly understand whatever he says and do whatever tells them to do no matter what. He is also expected to listen to the constructive suggestions of his peoples; treasure their inputs willingly.

When the shepherd and the sheep are in harmony and move forward, nothing comes between them to make them fall prey to the devouring schemes of the enemy. Depending on the integrity of the shepherd, both parties, the sheep and the shepherd, should work hand in gloves; and this assuredly bars the enemy and blows the invigorating sound of triumph. All depends on the sternness of the taskmaster, the shepherd!!

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 11 August 2019


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