Officials stress E-payment pivotal to reduce theft, money laundry

ADDIS ABABA – Getting out of cash payment, and applying the E-banking system would help to protect societies from robbery, and create transparency in the collection of government bills, officials advise societies to familiarize with the digital technology.

Following the recent statement made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed that unveils that cashless transactions would be first applicable in government offices and then in private institutions, officials advised that the people should support the initiatives in the banking system that focuses on creating technology-friendly society to reduce theft and money laundry.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Yeabsira Kefelegn, Public Relation Manager for Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) said that digital banking is vital to reduce direct cash transaction especially between different private and public enterprises.

As to him, Mobile banking, internet banking, CBE birr, PoS terminals and ATMs are the most outstanding cashless banking channels used in the world including Ethiopia.

Moreover, Yabisira stated that digital payment system is a pivotal issue for Ethiopians to consistently cope up with the modern world. However, there are also other alternatives for peoples who lack internet proficiency, in which they can use CBE agents that are found on each corner of the country. And this service also helps customers to access safe service, he added.

Therefore, e-payment is best alternative for the customers to pay their bills. Perhaps, power interruption, poor telecom network and poor technological infrastructure are among the challenges required quick solution, he explained.

Since the movement of huge volume of cash attracts robbers, the use of alternative electronic payment system will surely help the society safeguard from frequent stealing, he suggested.

Nigussu Tilahun, Head of Communication Affair at Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AAWSA), for his part says societies need to use this opportunity appropriately.

As to him, currently authority’s customers would use any of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) transaction alternatives to pay their utility bill. This electronic system enables its 550 thousand customers save their time and be secured from theft, he added.

In addition, customers can also make payment regularly through their mobile from everywhere as soon as they know the amount to be paid. This would assist them to minimize additional cost for transportation, Nigussu said.

Despite some challenges like system interruption, lack of adequate investment, and lack of trust on technology among the society, the e-payment has paramount importance for the authority to collect its revenue appropriately. It is also important to reduce fraud since services are delivered online, he added.

On his part, Melaku Taye, Corporate Communication Director for Ethiopian Electric Utility said that the experience gained from different countries indicated that using digital technologies for payment is pivotal for a developing country like Ethiopia.

In creating technology-friendly society, the office obligated its higher and medium energy users to engage in CBE billing system. Whereas, low power users will also start engaging in this new payment system soon, he noted.

Furthermore, registered customers make payment through CBE by filling the agreement with the authority, he stated. Above all, E-banking will speed up the transaction process compared with the cash payments.

The Ethiopian Herald August 10, 2019


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