Addis renewing schools, building feeding facilities for the new academic year

ADDIS ABABA – As the schedule for the opening of a new academic year is approaching, schools in Addis Ababa are preparing to welcome their students with a better environment, according to the Education Bureau of the City.

The Bureaus plan to create a better education environment in schools also includes free meals and school uniforms for those in need.

Various activities are underway to create suitable and attractive school environment as it is planned to involve about 300,000 children in school feeding program as of the coming academic year, says Zelalem Mulatu, Deputy Bureau Head for Addis Ababa Education Bureau.

In an interview with Ethiopian Press Agency, Zelalem said school improvement programs are underway in all 488 public schools in Addis Ababa following deputy mayor of the city, Engineer Takele Uma’s initiative to support schools and students.

As to Zelalem, about 656 contractors have started the preliminary activities to undertake the first phase of the program in creating a suitable learning environment by repairing the school compound and instruments in each school. And this will be completed before the coming Ethiopian New Year, 2012.

Zelalem also revealed that the bureau is striving to upgrade the level of the education system of the city from level II to Level IV. Hence he has highly appreciated the mayor’s initiative to work with them. Accordingly, the mayor’s office has allocated about 1 billion Birr for the school improvement program apart from pledging school materials including school uniforms and educational materials free for some 450,000 to 600,000 students for the coming year, he added.

According to him, preparing similar school uniforms for students has its advantages. As an illustration, when students have to change schools due to different reasons the similarity of school uniforms across all schools in the city allows them to easily do so by taking only clearance. Apart from this it will create ensure a sense of equality among them.

Moreover, the bureau has planned to benefit about 300,000 children in a school feeding program for the coming year. The number accounts for almost 80 per cent of primary school students attending public schools in the metropolis, he noted.

This will help not only to slim economic difference among students but also to help underprivileged mothers to benefit themselves through earning their life by cooking meals at schools.

Dawit Kebede, Principal of Dil Ber Secondary School told The Ethiopian Herald that 40 per cent of maintenance works in school compounds has been completed while the remaining works would be completed soon.

As to him, the project has an enormous advantage for the students. Especially it helps to motivate them to stress on their education while they are learning in a clean and conducive environment. Psychological advantage can be also raised as one of the advantages for students, he added.

Similarly speaking; Daniel Amente, Director of Birhane Hilina Primary school in Gulelle sub-city said that the program has paramount importance to create a conducive environment for teaching and learning activity. Additionally, it is highly important to increase students’ learning interest as they are learning in a clean environment.

“Therefore, in our school condition, two contractors are actively engaged in repairing of school classes with its infrastructure,” he added. As to him, 35 per cent of the construction is completed and the final work will be completed before the onset of the new academic calendar.

The Ethiopian Herald August 10, 2019


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