NBI keen on non-members’ accession

  • Ethiopia committed to initiative’s expansion

ADDIS ABABA– Consolidated efforts are underway to enable all the Nile riparian countries to utilize the river fairly and equally, the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) said, calling for the non-member states’ accession.

In his opening remark at the discussion forum recently, Water and Energy State Minister Abreha Adugna (PhD) urged Civil Society Organizations and developmental partners to encourage non-member Nile riparian states to join the initiative.

As Ethiopia’s diplomatic efforts continue to expand the Initiative, four countries have signed the Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA) of the Initiative that would give significant impetus to ensure fair utilization of Nile waters. In this regard, South Sudan is approaching to join the Initiative.

The state minister further noted that Ethiopia aims for universal membership of the NBI and to establish international legal backing for water rights protection. As the Initiative commemorates its 25th anniversary, Ethiopia’s commitment to responsible Nile water utilization is getting positive responses from other international actors.

“The initiative offers immense benefits including energy security, food sovereignty, and climate change mitigation for all Nile riparian countries. Despite being among lesser users of the Nile River, Ethiopia champions the Initiative as a beacon of hope for equitable resource management.”

NBI Executive Director Florence Grace Adongo also mentioned the Initiative’s role in facilitating informed decision-making and fostering cooperation among Nile riparian states.

The director stressed the need for a legally permanent foundation that would align the Initiative with global standards of trans-border cooperation. The determined efforts of Nile riparian countries toward sustainable economic development through shared water resource utilization and power generation is also crucial.

The Initiative involves national-level partnerships, presents research-backed potentials, and projects to key stakeholders across various sectors. By doing this it aims to foster widespread adoption of water programs and projects based on strategic analysis, she remarked.



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