Corporation sets to increase IPs number to 30

ADDIS ABABA – Industrial Parks Development Corporation has been conducting study to construct new industrial parks in different parts of the country with a view to increasing IPs number to 30 in the next two years.

The Corporation held discussion with various stakeholders. Briefing journalists after the discussion, Corporation CEO Lelise Neme said that the operational industrial parks were built along the corridor of Ethiopia-Djibouti railway route. “We plan to construct additional industrial parks and a study is underway to identify sites,” she added.

Indicating that Ethiopia is working to be light manufacturing hub, Lelise stated that remarkable achievements have been registered despite the challenges which include political unrest in some parts of the country. The Corporation is partnering with pertinent bodies to ensure the safety of the operational industrial parks and make them favorable to investors, she remarked.

While indicating that Adama Industrial Park launched export three months after inauguration, the CEO reveals government’s desire to emulate the lessons in the upcoming parks. Ethio Telecom Chief Sales Officer Muhammad Ajib for his part said that Ethio Telecom is working with IPs to address problems relating to telecommunication services in the parks.

The service provider has now assigned telecom experts in all operational parks to provide maintenance and other telecom services.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 9/2019


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