Abiy emphasizes need to unlock private sector’s potential

ADDIS ABABA – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched the Investment and Jobs Creation National Committee yesterday in the presence of Regional Presidents and Federal Ministers.

Noting that Ethiopia has to unlock the full potential of the private sector with a view to creating sustainable and decent jobs, he reiterated that the importance of putting the country on a path to a virtuous cycle of development.

The committee, Chaired by PM Abiy, comprises the Deputy Prime Minister, Presidents of Regional Governments; Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa Mayors; two PMO representatives and 10 Federal Ministries.

The national committee is expected to ensure the creation of sustainable and decent work by aligning policy and institutional systems. It will also play a leading role in securing and expanding investments closely and ensure implementation of plans to increase investments and job creation.

The committee is also set to coordinate for effective outputs, the work of federal and regional entities and other stakeholders in creating a conducive investment environment to accelerate jobs creation.

Every year b/n 2-3 million youth enter the employability age range and add to Ethiopia’s human resource and talent pool. While Ethiopia’s economic performance is progressive, more work needs to be done to create a conducive investment climate towards job creation, according to the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Doing Business Initiative and committee led by PM Abiy has marked key milestones towards the goal of creating an enabling business environment in which the private sector can play its critical jobs creation role.

These two committees working in sync are expected to facilitate the goal of creating three million jobs by the end of this budget year. Key sectors identified and given special focus to accelerate jobs creation nationwide include agriculture, mining, tourism and IT.

The National Committee will meet every two months to evaluate progress and follow-up on issues requiring immediate action to unlock performance. Following the meeting, PM Abiy and the committee members planted seedlings together for a Green Legacy.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 8/2019


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