Agency urges private sector own TVET

ADDIS ABABA- Federal Technical and Vocational Training Education Agency called on the private sector to own and show commitment to TVET sector to enable it catalyze socioeconomic transformation.

Abera Abate, Communication Director of Federal Technical and Vocational Training Education Agency noted that the TVET sector is the surest means of knowledge, skills and innovative thinking.

It is also a crucial vehicle for sustainable social development. Thus, the multi-dimensional cooperation and support of stakeholders [private industries] is central.

As to him, the sector should not be left to a single entity. Rather, private industries must be active participants for the development of the sector as they are socially responsible to train and employ prospective students.

“Developing a sense of ownership, establishing strong coordination and networks among different private industries, universities and government bodies is highly needed.”

Taking the positive impacts of well-developed TVET sector in to consideration, the Agency has arranged experience sharing visit to Germany for states and federal higher officials to adopt the best savvy to the country.

At the second international TVET Conference held recently, Science and Higher Education Minister, Hirut Woldemariam (PhD) also noted that if more focus is given to the sector, TVET can be an engine for the economy.

She also stressed that the sector would help the nation to generate more skilled and qualified workforces to industries.

Abera said, “Working on the TVET sector has a wide range of importance. Apart from capacitating the youths with the required skills and knowledge, it gives them the opportunity to take part in production activity and contribute to national development.”

According to Abera, priority is given to sensitizing community, industries and concerned bodies to make a better use of the sector. “Our action is determined by our perception of the outside world. Changing blurred perception is half way to the solution.”

Absence of firm law to force private industries involve in the sector, poor coordination and communication among concerned bodies, shortage of training facilities and staff development, misperception of TVET sector were mentioned to be the major bottlenecks of the sector. To curb the challenges, the Office is carrying out various activities. One of such efforts is conducting of discussion forums, as to the Communication Director.

The Ethiopian Herald August 7/2019


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