Premier proceeds tree planting

ADDIS ABABA– Seven days after smashing the world record of tree planting in a day, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and his security personnel planted seedlings in a square around Demebl City Center in Kirkos Sub-City of the metropolis.

It was stated that Primier’s planting of seedlings manifests the commitment of his government to maintain the success witnessed in Green Legacy Campaign day to achieve the national greenery plan.

The PM’s participation is also believed to play a role in inspiring the public to keep its active involvement in planting and conserving trees in the rest of the rainy season.

It is to be recalled that Ethiopia set to plant four billion seedlings in this Ethiopian year and Dr. Abiy and his security personnel’s participation is envisioned to supplement the execution of the national plan.

Ethiopia has so far planted over 3.5 billion trees since last June 2019.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 6/2019


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