MPs vow to make seedling protection next priority

ADDIS ABABA – Now that millions of Ethiopians have lived up to their words to plant seedlings, Parliamentarians have vowed to spearhead in the protection of the seedlings in the years to come.

Various institutions and individuals have also indicated their earnest concern about making the necessary protection for the seedlings so that the government and the peoples’ effort could bear fruit.

Honourable Tesfaye Dabe, Chairperson of Foreign Relation and Peace Affairs Standing Committee in the House of Peoples Representatives told The Ethiopian Herald that the Members of Parliament (MPs) have reached consensus to protect the planted seedlings to the end.

According to him, the MPs are ready to watering and nurturing the plants’ progress with the schedule. Also, planting of additional saplings will resume as far as protecting the environment is an international agenda, he added. As to him, planting saplings is not enough for creating a climate-resilient environment. Hence, we should show our unity on mulching the seedlings as we have united for smashing the record through planting over 353 million seedlings in a single day.

Though our institution confirmed its readiness for mulching seedlings, things are under process to announce a national program for each institution and community members to protect the seedlings, says Tefera Mengistu (PhD) Forest Sector Development Program Coordinator for Environment, Forest and climate change Commission.

According to him, relevant data should be known and documented properly to make continuous follow up and support on seedlings’ growth. Also, there should be budget support and organized focal persons to manipulate as ownership coupled with mobilizing and creating awareness among the society, he stated.

Miftah Abegaz, volunteer youth in Addis Ababa confirms that he with his friends are committed to protecting seedlings in their surroundings. “As we are energetic for every action, it is easy for us to handle the problem in protecting seedlings up to their final stage. Otherwise, the government should represent the focal person for this purpose,” he avowed.

Likewise, Kinde Rufael, Development Department Head at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC) told The Ethiopian Herald that mulching of seedlings is highly important for better achievement in protecting the environment. And there should be extensive activities in this field. The commission mostly uses a participatory method to protect the planted seedlings.

As an illustration, youths are supposed to protect the seedlings, but the commission is also responsible for creating job opportunity for them. Therefore, they can protect the seedlings devotedly as they are being benefited through different job opportunities created by the commission, he noted.

The Ethiopian Herald August 04/2019


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